

NEW CHALLENGE: Guys it's that time again! This time we want you to go on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and go on the "Homerun Contest" game! The person who hits the furthest wins! To enter, take a picture of your score and post it on our wall.
We will then update the Leaderboards ASAP! so GET ENTERING! The score you need to beat is... 325.1m! but that's only to get to the top! You can go under that and get to 2nd place!
Raza Shah has taken the lead with 506.9m!
Homerun Contest Challenge:
1: Raza Shah: 506.9m
2: Thom Isaacs (NGN): 325.1m
3: yet to be found out!

ADDITIONAL RULES: Okay I have more details about the challenges: THESE WILL ONLY LAST ONE WEEK! Once Sunday comes it's time for the next challenge! After that the leaderboards for that challenge are frozen! And the person on top is the winner! The week's winner receives a picture of a clay model requested by them! Please note: these MUST be pixel art from NES games as I am not the best! sorry! But I'm good at clay pixel art don't worry! ^_^  if two people are tied for the lead, if it stays like this when the challenge ends then the winner will be chosen, between the two of them, RANDOMLY!
PLEASE NO MORE ENTRIES! The winner of this challenge is.............
Harki SinghWITH 24 SECONDS!
Target Shooting (3DS):

1: Harki Singh: 24 seconds
2: Raza Shah: 27 seconds
3:  Chris Harding: 28 seconds