
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Soundtrack CD (Club Nintendo)

Yeah yeah I know this isn't a game! Keep your hair on! It's the OoT Soundtrack CD from Club Nintendo, which you could get from the launch day of OoT 3D so the 30th of June. Mine arrived today, and I have listened to the whole thing. This review will be very unusual, a different style... For example we usually have the "Gameplay, Controls" etc, but now it's just a review with a verdict. And we will have the strong points and weak points! So, my first time reviewing music! Wish me luck:


Well… this was a difficult object to obtain I'll give it that! What with the Club Nintendo Site screwing up and what-not! BUT! I have it now, and I am reviewing it for you guys! So yeah, 51 tracks! Sounds like a lot, and in truth it is! Problem is the length. The longest song on the CD is End Credits (7 minutes and 08 seconds) and the shortest is Prelude of Light (19 seconds)! But despite that, the soundtrack is 1.2 hours long, so you'll be enjoying it for a good while. One thing that annoyed me though was that the songs were shortened, because in the game they loop, they just add a fade out, and there's nothing that annoys me more when listening to music than a fade out! But this is an insanely enjoyable Soundtrack! Honestly, when playing Ocarina of Time you think of the music as part of the game, because that's what it is. But you can only fully appreciate the music when listening to it outside of the game. Themes as annoying as that music that plays when an enemy is nearby sounds amazing on this. Another thing I love is that they added an orchestrated version of Kakariko Village, which truly does sound amazing! Another problem though is how you are planning to obtain it... thing is this is not for sale! If you didn't manage to claim it then your best shot is ebay, where you can buy it for around £20! But you need to hurry considering how limited these are, before they go up in price!


Strong Points:

Awesome artwork, 51 songs, 1.2 hours of awesome Zelda Tunes, it's rather rare (which is cool), the disc looks awesome, and it's just a nice thing to have!

Weak Points:

Rather difficult to obtain, and some songs are too short and some almost too long.


A lovely little item, a joy to listen too and the orchestrated track is awesome! Although if you haven't got it already it'll cost you a good £20, you won't regret buying this epic soundtrack!

/Thom Isaacs