In this article, the Japanese names are in brackets, followed by their Japanese pronunciation in italics.
Pokèmon is one of those franchises where everyone is free to choose their own partners. Everyone has different teams and preferable pokèmon. Even different types of moves. Can you agree with me on my top 15 favourite pokèmon?
15. Watchog
Yes, Watchog. (miruhog, “miruhog”). It may be a rat of some kind, but it’s that confident look it constantly has that’s to like. Especially during the anime, it shows off some pretty cool, speedy movements like a ninja. Also, it has one of my favourite elements in the game – the element of pure anger, the moves this Pokémon learns, and the low level it learns them makes it really get on peoples nerves! Hypnosis! Confuse ray! Super fang! Ha!
14. Reshiram
Strangely, Reshiram doesn’t have as many fans as it should have, partly because of Zekrom’s technical types. However I prefer Reshiram, honestly. It’s a beautiful, pure white yang dragon with crystal blue eyes and a calming, yet spiritual cry. Also it has one of the coolest signature attacks in the game (blue flare) that almost makes a perfect Pokémon for me. Reshiram is one of the reasons I was so reluctant to buy White version, I love hearing its cry every time I press start on the title screen! Reshiram becoming the main hero’s partner also seems to suit the storyline more.
13. Charizard
He may be a favourite among many, but so what? I’m not afraid to admit that Charizard (Lizardon, “rizardon”) is one of my favourite dragons. The only reason Charizard isn’t a dragon is because it’s a starter Pokémon, and that’s understandable, at least it can learn dragon moves of countless kinds. An epic character in the anime at all times, it’s not wrong to think highly of Charizard whenever it appears. This goes for in game and anime. It also has one of the best shiny forms, and from someone who hardly cares about shinies, that’s rare!
12. Scolipede
Now I am not a fan of bug types, there often low defence drives me mad about using them. I often try to use one, and then go mad every time the Pokémon gets beaten by another about 5 levels lower. But Scolipede (Pendraa, “pendoraa”) is a completely different story. The gigantic caterpillar – steam roller like creature is endlessly savage, with deadly poison qualities and horns all over. It’s even got enough weight to spread dust when summoned in battle! With a sharp, screeching cry, overwhelming speed and pure attack, it is a creature to be feared by many. Such a thing is what I absolutely love! Shame it’s underused.
11. Wigglytuff
What? I like deadly, savage, evil Pokémon? So why is such a cute Pokémon here!? Because! It’s Wigglytuff (Pukurin, “pukurin”)! Not much is more evil than this! It’s cute, it’s a balloon, and it has a massive range of learnable moves and monstrous defence! What’s not to like! But seriously, poor little (well, bigger) Pukurin has been outclassed by its pre evolution over the years. Not many people talk about or love this creature anymore, but question its gender when it comes into conversation. Well, for your information, the Pukurin on Pokémon mystery dungeon: Explorers of time is in fact a male. Just an example of how questionable Pokémon can get, by some people’s opinions. My preference for Pukurin came from his debut in that mystery dungeon game, he’s such an unforgettable character, and just as unpredictable as Fawful!
10. Alakazam
Alakazam (Foodin, “fudin”) reminds me of Yamamoto from the Bleach manga. It’s wise, old, and virtually invincible in its strength. The true preference of Foodin came from just how reliable it is in any type of Pokémon battle. The way how I battle is raw strength – defeat my opponents Pokémon before they even get the chance to attack once, and if my partner gets hit it’s basically over for it. Foodin is perfect for me in that style – unrivalled special attack, unbelievable speed and a good range of learnable moves make it a must for my team. Even dark types struggle to beat it, as proved by Charlie Bartlett.
9. Rayquaza
The legendary beast (“Rekkuza”) only descends from the sky to end the epic, endless battle between Groudon and Kyogre. One of the best designs I’ve seen for a Pokémon, with the best debut in the series (at least, until N’s scenes) and without a doubt one of the strongest Pokémon that exists. I mainly like Rayquaza because of the history I’ve had with it – the attempt to catch it at level 70 without using the master ball was quite a task that seems impossible, and the help it proves against the elite 4 is perfect. One thing for certain is that I love dragons, this one doesn’t let up in any ways – it can be used in any situation, and be trained to battle any way you want it to, so it’s a free legendary that anyone can use. Whenever I play Emerald version I use it, and am very proud to have caught a legit shiny one!
8. Klinklang
By now you must be thinking “this list is strange – one minute it makes sense, the next minute it’s weird”. Well yes, Klinklang (Gigigiaru “gigigiaru”) is possibly the most unoriginal Pokémon ever, with one of the worst names ever whether you’re talking about it in English or Japanese. Its evolutionary chain is just horrible as well. And as much as I use pure offensive Pokémon, this one is technical, useable in many styles. It doesn’t take long to make this Pokémon a battle machine in any match, especially with moves like gear shift and automize, however. It’s also the basic design that I quite like, and the predictable evolutions made it something I just had to train.
7. Drapion
It’s another sharp fang, evil looking beast! And one that requires natural effort to train too! Any Pokémon that evolves from a bug into such an intimidating looking giant scorpion is a Pokémon for me. And having only one weakness – that’s ground type – means that it can well defend itself for countless situations. With the evil ability to triple critical hit strength, combined with moves like swords dance, cross poison, crunch and even toxic spikes, Drapion (“Dorapion”) can not only be used in multiple situations, people barely expect it or know how to handle facing one (especially with its types!)
6. Braviary
Yes, I know it’s over loved. But as much as I love dragons and all the Pokémon above, I absolutely love birds. They ALL look intimidating and fierce, and possess the raw power attributes I’m best with. It took 5 generations of Pokémon to create the perfect bird, or eagle rather, but finally it emerged. Braviary (Wargle “worguru”) is a true beast in battle, showing off unrivalled speed and serious attack prowess. And the effort it takes to train one as well – training an eaglet from level 1 to 54 is not an easy task. It was also the main body of my original triple battle strategy.
5. Vaporeon
Everyone who has played Pokémon since the classic game boy days and gotten into has a Pokémon that is like a destined partner to them, besides their starter. For me, this Pokémon is Vaporeon (Showers) – It was a complete coincidence how I encountered this Pokémon. After finding out that some Pokémon evolve by stones during my time of Pokémon yellow, I bought one of each, only to learn that barely any Pokémon evolve through them (well at least in that time). After obtaining the Eevee, I forgot all my worries as I finally found something to use one of the stones on. I absolutely love water types and use them very well – after all, Showers here lead through the Pokémon league and landed the finishing attack on the champion’s last Pokémon! (First time I ever completed the game – How can anyone forget a time like that!?)
4. Marshtomp
As mentioned above, I love water types. They’re cute, strong in multiple ways, and always seemed to be the easiest to give moves. Marshtomp (Numacraw) is one of the best in this category, and one of the best starters available out of all the Pokémon, and also one of the most annoying counter based fighters – capable of both counter and mirror coat, yet able to learn powerful attack moves like earthquake and waterfall (or even avalanche for those grass types) this is one Pokémon you’re bound to see at least once during a competition. (Or at least, its evolution!)
3. Cinccino
When it comes to liking actual Pokémon, my preferences are something cute or cool, but pure power or a technique I can use. One thing I noticed is that there was never a cute Pokémon that could be used as a pure power attacker, it was always dragon this, steel that. However this all changed in black and white, when this little dream appeared – with outrageous speed, decent attack, and the wicked skill link ability allowing multi-hit moves to always hit 5 times, Cinccino (Chillaccino “chillachino”) not only tears apart opponents with combo moves, but practically stops many defensive Pokémon that use moves like substitute as well! And it’s this cute! What more can one player want? Type coverage? This thing learns rock blast, bullet seed AND tail slap, dude!
2. Hydriegon
Dragons. Everyone loves dragons; the mythical creatures all have wonderful traits in Pokémon. However, like the review above, there was never a dragon that suited my likings exactly, until generation 5. Hydriegon (Sazandra “Sazandora”), is exactly the dream dragon I wanted to see in Pokémon – a savage beast that attacks with special moves like draco meteor and never lets its owner down when tearing up battles. And this one doesn’t fail, even if it isn’t EV trained, especially with the effort it takes to train one up. You’ve got to survive with a very weak dog like dragon with bad moves and the hustle ability for 64 levels until it becomes this near legendary beast. Essential for any team, reliable, and downright awesome whatever way you look at it, Hydriegon is my second favourite pocket monster. I cannot wait to see this Pokémon on the anime.
1. Oshawott

Yes, this is my number 1 favourite Pokémon. Seriously. By now, by going down the list, you could’ve predicted that it would be a water type. But probably not this one.
When I first found out about the upcoming new Pokémon games, I scooted over to Serebii to see every picture I could find, and there were only the pictures of the three starters, completely unnamed. I was honestly not amused. So I started getting on as usual, checking back to see the game in general. When their names were revealed, Mijumaru was the only one I knew I was pronouncing correctly, and I decided it was the only one I could consider being my starter. Eventually, more and more information was getting release about these starters, and coincidentally, Mijumaru’s – umm – Oshawott’s traits were the only ones I found interesting and innovative!
The favouritism most likely comes from seeing it on the anime. From the first episode where Ash’s new rival picks his first starter, its character was easily noticeable and funny in my eyes, quickly making it my favourite new character. Then came its signature move – razor shell, or shell blade in original Japanese – that sealed it. Not only was this the strongest new addition to Ash’s squad, but it had the most awesome signature move of all the Pokémon I’ve seen! I then saw everything about it was perfect for me. Cool evolutions, water type, cute and cool, and best of all, it's a starter Pokémon, so it couldn’t be easier to get a hold of! Mijumaru is the best starter Pokémon in the game in my opinion, not for battling or such, just in general.
So now, you’ve seen my top 15 favourite Pokémon. Do you have a list? Do you agree with any of mine? Leave your comments below, or on facebook!
~Sheldon Greenaway
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