
Wednesday 17 August 2011

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword UK release date confirmed!

Yes guys it's the moment we've all been waiting for! SS has a UK release date! Mark your calenders because we shall be getting a new Zelda adventure on the 18th of November!!!

As I'm sure we all know, Skyward Sword is a prequel to Ocarina of Time, and will (probably) be the first in the Timeline. Storyline wise it tells of the Master Sword's creation. I know I'm exited! Are you going to buy it?

/Thom Isaacs

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super mario sunshine 3ds

We’ve seen the legend of Zelda: ocarina of time 3D, and now fans want majora’s mask in 3D. Without a doubt, both 3d remakes will be a complete success, but what about Mario? Yes, we have super Mario 3d land coming, but what if Mario had his own 3d remake?

Yoshiaki Koizumi, director or Mario 3d land has admitted that he would like to see Mario sunshine and both Mario galaxies in this glorious 3d style, and so would I. The gamecube era seems to have been forgotten in our world, if you look back there are several greats that could be well upgraded and ported into 3d. Mario sunshine. Sonic adventure 2 battle. F zero GX. And the list goes on.

“I can say that I really would like to see a lot of those games that use 3D worlds on 2D display just so I could see what they look like in 3D and see what kind of different experiences people would have playing through them on a 3D display. So in that sense I would love to see Sunshine and both Galaxy games presented in 3D, and a lot of the Zelda games would be interesting too.”

There are many games that I’d love to see (and buy personally) in 3d along with sunshine, and knowing our kind developers at Nintendo, who knows what could come up next? Some people say to stop with the remakes on 3ds, but Mario sunshine is one last one that needs to be done. And a few others I would like too. Are there any games you would like to see ported into 3d?

Sheldon Greenaway

No nintendo 3DS lite for a while

We’ve heard before, and you also might have already guessed, but we will not be getting another type of 3DS for a very long time. So no 3DS lite or XL or any of that. Reggie Fils – Aime has explained this to us, but it really isn’t any big surprise.

“The form factor, we believe, it quite strong and quite positive. We have nothing else to add at this point in terms of other form factor changes or other color changes beyond the Flame Red that we’re announcing today.”

So the only form changes we might see for a while are other colours. I’m happy with my Cosmos black one, especially since I’ll be getting my 20 ambassador games. Plus, I’ve finished the streetpass quest.

If there were any big changes to be made to the console, I reckon that it would be changes to the system. This might come in the form of a new 3DS with a larger screen which seems to be needed for some games, but software changes would be sent out in an update so that former 3DS owners can simply hit the update button. Are there any software changes that you could dream of having for the future of the 3DS? A Youtube application? Streetpass quest enhancement? Share you thoughts.

Sheldon Greenaway

Should Nintendo Develop for smartphones???

Nintendo have always been very kosher (if you will) about publishing for consoles other than their own.... I mean you can kinda understand it, for example: before Sega killed off their console range, and moved to producing software for anything they could get. So companys would only do that unless they don't have a console or are just software producers. So now, Masamitsu Ohki (Some fund raiser for a Tokyo Based, Stats Development Co.) has said:

"Smartphones are the new battlefield for the gaming industry. Nintendo should try to either buy its way into this platform or develop something totally new."

Okay I must say I would prefer to see a NINTENDO smartphone rather than seeing Nintendo developing FOR a smartphone. I mean really! You don't see Sony developing games for Xbox do you? (And yes I was going to say you don't see Microsoft developing for Sony, but then I remembered that they are also a huge computer company, so y'know...)

Iwata has stated in the past that Nintendo have no intention to produce for smartphones. Personally I think that they shouldn't produce for smartphones, but make a gaming smartphone! Why not? Because lets face it, the iPhone/iTouch market is a huge, cheap, and overall a very interesting market for gaming companys. However I am not in Nintendo, I merely write for a fansite. But we can only wait and see what will happen in the future!

/Thom Isaacs

Monday 15 August 2011

We are extremely sorry for the severe lack of activity on our end

Well... the name of this post says it all really... Problem is I'm camping and can't always be on. And for some reason Ricky and Sheldon don't seem to want to write in anticipation for the new website... So I'll have a talk with them and tell them that they need to continue posting, so as not to kill the site. Oh and yes, We ARE moving to a new site! So once I figure out what's going on and why I can't upload it to the server, we shall be moving to there! =D

/Thom Isaacs

Thursday 4 August 2011

Zelda Symphony Concert coming to London!

It has been confirmed that the Zelda Symphony Concert will be playing in London, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. It is in fact the ONLY concert there will be in Europe at this present time.

As ticket prices go, it will start from £33.75 plus booking fees. And they will be on sale from the 8th of August! So will you be buying your ticket? Or maybe you're wanting to go, but can't make it.. Either way, it's going to be an amazing show!

~Ricky Taylor

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Resident Evil: Revelations official website launched.

Capcom have now released the official website for their new addition to their survival horror series which is due out next year. Resident Evil: Revelations has already been interesting fans around the world. And every fan that bought Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D was even treated to a demo that would last up to 5 minutes.

But now, you are able to get to know the game and it's many new features a lot more via the official website, such as; characters, gameplay elements, storyline and much more.

Interested in looking into the official website? No need to search for it, because the link is right here (click.. obviously!). Has this made you look forward to the game even more? I know it has for me!

~Ricky Taylor

Monday 1 August 2011


The Zelda Symphony Concerts are coming to L.A THIS OCTOBER! The official website has been launched! So if you live in the L.A area, I strongly suggest you go to these amazing concerts! Click here for the website, here for the facebook and here for the twitter!

Nintendo 3DS to get paid DLC.

President of Nintendo Japan, Mr Satoru Iwata has confirmed paid downloadable content will be available for the Nintendo 3DS by the end of the year.

He said Nintendo are “interested in the possibility of extending the life of games through added stages and other features that players want.” But they’re not interested in “pursuing certain types of low quality paid download content opportunities.”

So in a nut-shell, we'll be getting great DLC! No cheap stuff, which is great news for the future!

~Ricky Taylor

Amazon Lower Price of 3DS Before Price Drop

If you want to get your hands on the 20 free games on 3DS, then you can buy it cheaper from Amazon! They have lowered the price of the 3DS for:


-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Cosmos Black) for $216.55
-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Aqua Blue) for $223.00

And UK:

-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Cosmos Black) for £189.99
-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Aqua Blue) for £189.99 also

At these prices I'd suggest buying one just for the free games! 

/Thom Isaacs