
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super mario sunshine 3ds

We’ve seen the legend of Zelda: ocarina of time 3D, and now fans want majora’s mask in 3D. Without a doubt, both 3d remakes will be a complete success, but what about Mario? Yes, we have super Mario 3d land coming, but what if Mario had his own 3d remake?

Yoshiaki Koizumi, director or Mario 3d land has admitted that he would like to see Mario sunshine and both Mario galaxies in this glorious 3d style, and so would I. The gamecube era seems to have been forgotten in our world, if you look back there are several greats that could be well upgraded and ported into 3d. Mario sunshine. Sonic adventure 2 battle. F zero GX. And the list goes on.

“I can say that I really would like to see a lot of those games that use 3D worlds on 2D display just so I could see what they look like in 3D and see what kind of different experiences people would have playing through them on a 3D display. So in that sense I would love to see Sunshine and both Galaxy games presented in 3D, and a lot of the Zelda games would be interesting too.”

There are many games that I’d love to see (and buy personally) in 3d along with sunshine, and knowing our kind developers at Nintendo, who knows what could come up next? Some people say to stop with the remakes on 3ds, but Mario sunshine is one last one that needs to be done. And a few others I would like too. Are there any games you would like to see ported into 3d?

Sheldon Greenaway

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