
Tuesday 16 August 2011

No nintendo 3DS lite for a while

We’ve heard before, and you also might have already guessed, but we will not be getting another type of 3DS for a very long time. So no 3DS lite or XL or any of that. Reggie Fils – Aime has explained this to us, but it really isn’t any big surprise.

“The form factor, we believe, it quite strong and quite positive. We have nothing else to add at this point in terms of other form factor changes or other color changes beyond the Flame Red that we’re announcing today.”

So the only form changes we might see for a while are other colours. I’m happy with my Cosmos black one, especially since I’ll be getting my 20 ambassador games. Plus, I’ve finished the streetpass quest.

If there were any big changes to be made to the console, I reckon that it would be changes to the system. This might come in the form of a new 3DS with a larger screen which seems to be needed for some games, but software changes would be sent out in an update so that former 3DS owners can simply hit the update button. Are there any software changes that you could dream of having for the future of the 3DS? A Youtube application? Streetpass quest enhancement? Share you thoughts.

Sheldon Greenaway

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