
Thursday 28 April 2011

Deniz Guzel's Weekly Pokémon Card Reviews: Leafeon lv.X

Desc: 99/100 -2008
This Lv.X Card is From Pokemon Diamond Pearl Majestic Dawn, drawn by Ryo Ueda it's a great card, a Grass type. Thats about it.

The Leafeon Itself looks great, and it looks excellent in shiny. The background is satisfactory. All round its pretty good. Credit to Ryo Ueda here. Art Rating: -----8.6-----

For Collectors:
This is Definitely a card for collectors. It's worth around £20 so its worth a getting. Collector Rating: -----9.5-----

For Battlers:
Its Only attack, Verdant Dance, does 30 damage plus 10 damage for every energy card attached to your pokemon. So its decent, and it also has a Energy Forcing poke-power that allows you to attach Energy cards from your hand onto Leafeon Lv.X. With 110 Hp, a decent weakness and a retreat cost of 2, its a decent Pokémon card to have in your deck. Trainer Rating: ----9.0-----

All round, its a nice card to have. Average Rating: ----9.0----

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