
Thursday 14 April 2011

Lots of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D newz.

An amazing screenshot from Nintendo's upcoming 3DS Remake
It has been confirmed that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D will be arriving in the UK on June 17th. That's two day's before America (who are getting it on the 19th)! But, as this is Nintendo, Japan are getting it first. This isn't quite as bad as other times but Japan are recieving it on the 16th, only a day before us in the UK. Nintendo have also made a teaser website which makes use of a fake (but in now way un-impressive) 3D effect. One complaint though: why oh why make Navi the cursor?! At least she isn't sreaming "HEY!" and "LISTEN" in your ear though. There are also some lovely screenshots (I chose the best one and put it on the top right).

Nintendo have also given out some new details: the 3DS remake does not have re-mastered music. But the landscapes look a lot more textured and detailed. Also it does not feature StreetPass capabillitys. This looks great and I can't wait to have a play! So mark your calenders for June 17th, because that is when one of the greatest games ever gets re-made... IN 3D!  

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