
Wednesday 23 November 2011

We no longer use this website

Hey guys! Thom here! Just wanted to say that we no longer use this website! We have now moved to:

Thank you. :)

Thursday 22 September 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is about 60-70% complete, and will feature a Multiplayer Mode.

YES! I'm back and writing guys!
And for my first post in about 2 months, I have something about a little game I'm looking forward to...
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. The game itself is about 60-70-ish% complete. Apparently it will feature a Multiplayer Mode but there's no other details on that. The story is interesting too:
The story is focused on the 2 worlds that were put in a state of sleep after the events of the first game. It is Sora and Riku's job to return the worlds to their normal state, and become the Keyblade Masters.  Tetsuya Nomura has said that Neku - who has been separated from his partner Shiki, is in Traverse Town because they "wanted to have fresh characters in the game". That's pretty much it for the story really. But apparently there will be more details on Neku and other new characters at a later date.

/Thom Isaacs

Wednesday 14 September 2011


I have messed up... and big time... and all I can say is I'm sorry... I can't contact Ricky, and there is a big chance that Sheldon is leaving NGN. And... Okay I might as well tell the truth: I've found myself drawn to other platforms recently. And I'm regretting it! I've been an idiot and I understand that now, and though it's too late, I hope you can forgive me. NGN will be making a comeback however, and when it does; it will be much better. All I can say is I'm sorry for screwing up. And I know this is a big news day. But I can't do everything by myself. I will try to sort this out. We will need to find a new writer due to Sheldon leaving. So if you are reading this (no doubt I've lost all of the fans) - then please, do not lose faith. NGN is coming back.

/Thom Isaacs

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword UK release date confirmed!

Yes guys it's the moment we've all been waiting for! SS has a UK release date! Mark your calenders because we shall be getting a new Zelda adventure on the 18th of November!!!

As I'm sure we all know, Skyward Sword is a prequel to Ocarina of Time, and will (probably) be the first in the Timeline. Storyline wise it tells of the Master Sword's creation. I know I'm exited! Are you going to buy it?

/Thom Isaacs

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super mario sunshine 3ds

We’ve seen the legend of Zelda: ocarina of time 3D, and now fans want majora’s mask in 3D. Without a doubt, both 3d remakes will be a complete success, but what about Mario? Yes, we have super Mario 3d land coming, but what if Mario had his own 3d remake?

Yoshiaki Koizumi, director or Mario 3d land has admitted that he would like to see Mario sunshine and both Mario galaxies in this glorious 3d style, and so would I. The gamecube era seems to have been forgotten in our world, if you look back there are several greats that could be well upgraded and ported into 3d. Mario sunshine. Sonic adventure 2 battle. F zero GX. And the list goes on.

“I can say that I really would like to see a lot of those games that use 3D worlds on 2D display just so I could see what they look like in 3D and see what kind of different experiences people would have playing through them on a 3D display. So in that sense I would love to see Sunshine and both Galaxy games presented in 3D, and a lot of the Zelda games would be interesting too.”

There are many games that I’d love to see (and buy personally) in 3d along with sunshine, and knowing our kind developers at Nintendo, who knows what could come up next? Some people say to stop with the remakes on 3ds, but Mario sunshine is one last one that needs to be done. And a few others I would like too. Are there any games you would like to see ported into 3d?

Sheldon Greenaway

No nintendo 3DS lite for a while

We’ve heard before, and you also might have already guessed, but we will not be getting another type of 3DS for a very long time. So no 3DS lite or XL or any of that. Reggie Fils – Aime has explained this to us, but it really isn’t any big surprise.

“The form factor, we believe, it quite strong and quite positive. We have nothing else to add at this point in terms of other form factor changes or other color changes beyond the Flame Red that we’re announcing today.”

So the only form changes we might see for a while are other colours. I’m happy with my Cosmos black one, especially since I’ll be getting my 20 ambassador games. Plus, I’ve finished the streetpass quest.

If there were any big changes to be made to the console, I reckon that it would be changes to the system. This might come in the form of a new 3DS with a larger screen which seems to be needed for some games, but software changes would be sent out in an update so that former 3DS owners can simply hit the update button. Are there any software changes that you could dream of having for the future of the 3DS? A Youtube application? Streetpass quest enhancement? Share you thoughts.

Sheldon Greenaway

Should Nintendo Develop for smartphones???

Nintendo have always been very kosher (if you will) about publishing for consoles other than their own.... I mean you can kinda understand it, for example: before Sega killed off their console range, and moved to producing software for anything they could get. So companys would only do that unless they don't have a console or are just software producers. So now, Masamitsu Ohki (Some fund raiser for a Tokyo Based, Stats Development Co.) has said:

"Smartphones are the new battlefield for the gaming industry. Nintendo should try to either buy its way into this platform or develop something totally new."

Okay I must say I would prefer to see a NINTENDO smartphone rather than seeing Nintendo developing FOR a smartphone. I mean really! You don't see Sony developing games for Xbox do you? (And yes I was going to say you don't see Microsoft developing for Sony, but then I remembered that they are also a huge computer company, so y'know...)

Iwata has stated in the past that Nintendo have no intention to produce for smartphones. Personally I think that they shouldn't produce for smartphones, but make a gaming smartphone! Why not? Because lets face it, the iPhone/iTouch market is a huge, cheap, and overall a very interesting market for gaming companys. However I am not in Nintendo, I merely write for a fansite. But we can only wait and see what will happen in the future!

/Thom Isaacs

Monday 15 August 2011

We are extremely sorry for the severe lack of activity on our end

Well... the name of this post says it all really... Problem is I'm camping and can't always be on. And for some reason Ricky and Sheldon don't seem to want to write in anticipation for the new website... So I'll have a talk with them and tell them that they need to continue posting, so as not to kill the site. Oh and yes, We ARE moving to a new site! So once I figure out what's going on and why I can't upload it to the server, we shall be moving to there! =D

/Thom Isaacs

Thursday 4 August 2011

Zelda Symphony Concert coming to London!

It has been confirmed that the Zelda Symphony Concert will be playing in London, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. It is in fact the ONLY concert there will be in Europe at this present time.

As ticket prices go, it will start from £33.75 plus booking fees. And they will be on sale from the 8th of August! So will you be buying your ticket? Or maybe you're wanting to go, but can't make it.. Either way, it's going to be an amazing show!

~Ricky Taylor

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Resident Evil: Revelations official website launched.

Capcom have now released the official website for their new addition to their survival horror series which is due out next year. Resident Evil: Revelations has already been interesting fans around the world. And every fan that bought Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D was even treated to a demo that would last up to 5 minutes.

But now, you are able to get to know the game and it's many new features a lot more via the official website, such as; characters, gameplay elements, storyline and much more.

Interested in looking into the official website? No need to search for it, because the link is right here (click.. obviously!). Has this made you look forward to the game even more? I know it has for me!

~Ricky Taylor

Monday 1 August 2011


The Zelda Symphony Concerts are coming to L.A THIS OCTOBER! The official website has been launched! So if you live in the L.A area, I strongly suggest you go to these amazing concerts! Click here for the website, here for the facebook and here for the twitter!

Nintendo 3DS to get paid DLC.

President of Nintendo Japan, Mr Satoru Iwata has confirmed paid downloadable content will be available for the Nintendo 3DS by the end of the year.

He said Nintendo are “interested in the possibility of extending the life of games through added stages and other features that players want.” But they’re not interested in “pursuing certain types of low quality paid download content opportunities.”

So in a nut-shell, we'll be getting great DLC! No cheap stuff, which is great news for the future!

~Ricky Taylor

Amazon Lower Price of 3DS Before Price Drop

If you want to get your hands on the 20 free games on 3DS, then you can buy it cheaper from Amazon! They have lowered the price of the 3DS for:


-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Cosmos Black) for $216.55
-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Aqua Blue) for $223.00

And UK:

-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Cosmos Black) for £189.99
-Click HERE to buy the 3DS (Aqua Blue) for £189.99 also

At these prices I'd suggest buying one just for the free games! 

/Thom Isaacs

Sunday 31 July 2011

Capcom ''Considering'' two new fighters for the 3DS.

Just as we thought that the Nintendo 3DS couldn't possibly get any more fighters (minus BlazBlue: Cotinuum Shift 2 which is due out in September), an interview with Yoshinori Ono of Capcom could have proved us wrong! He was asked if we'd ever see Street Fighter X Tekken on the 3DS, and this was his response: 

''It’s possible. For the 3DS, I wanted to do an [Super Street Fighter IV:] Arcade Edition version, but I haven’t had a chance to do that because of all the other things I’m up to. At the company, we’re debating should we go for an AE port on 3DS? Should we skip that and go straight to Street Fighter x Tekken? There are a lot of things up in the air, so I can’t say for sure what our next 3DS project will be.''

That's right, he's considering Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade edition and Street Fighter X Tekken. Nothing is set in stone yet obviously, but it'd be interesting to see what happens!

~Ricky Taylor

Saturday 30 July 2011

Satoru Iwata to take a 50% pay cut.

The Nintendo 3DS hasn't sold as well as they would have liked it to, which in turn, has caused Nintendo to not do so well financially. But with Nintendo, they always have a plan B with them. And now that plan has been shared by President of Nintendo Japan, Satoru Iwata.

Mr Iwata said: ''For cuts in fixed salaries, I’m taking a fifty percent cut, other representative directors are taking a 30 percent cut, and other execs are taking a 20 percent cut.''

This is a very kind decision from the higher people at Nintendo, so let's just hope the recent price drop of their 3DS serves them and the fans well!

~Ricky Taylor

Former Nintendo President "loses" $300,000,000 daily.

Hiroshi Yamauchi, former president of Nintendo and the great grand-son of the founder, is said to have lost over $300,000,000 in one single day due to a large decline in Nintendo's share price.

Mostly, he has lost the value of the shares that he holds which is around 10% of Nintendo, rather than random cash that may be lying around. Many people couldn't understand what it's like to lose such a big amount in just one day. But in the end, he is a billionaire, so he should be able to hold up just fine. 

~Ricky Taylor

Some new details regarding Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

I am personally a fan of Kingdom Hearts... And I dare say the trailer of DDD makes it look quite attractive! As I said I'm a fan of the series but the whole Disney thing annoys me!
Anyways a writer from Famitsu Magazine (a Japanese Gaming Magazine), has spent some time with the demo of Dream Drop Distance. He said a few very interesting things and I'm curious to see how it works in-game... We learn that the main character (either Riku or Sora), is fighting along with 2 new allies, meaning there are some "side-kicks", if you will, other than Donald and Goofy (thank god)! So if you are like me and hate the duck and dog-thing, then you've got your wish!
Also, Square Enix are introducing new enemies, ones that are neither Heartless nor Nobodies. The last thing they had to say was that the combat was more impressive than any other KH game, with impressive lighting effects and stylish movements.

/Thom Isaacs

Friday 29 July 2011

The Sun (once again) attack the 3DS

The Sun have been hated by gamers for months now. After stating that the 3DS causes dizzyness and eye damage. Well now... THEY'RE BACK! RAWR! Honestly The Sun is like the godzilla of the gaming world, out to kill anything! Here is my analysis:

The Headline is:

Blurredy hell!

NINTENDO is slashing the price of its 3D console by a third - after claims it makes gamers feel dizzy and sick.

And where did these claims come from exactly? You do realise that Nintendo are making this move to improve fiscal results right? Lets read on...

"The Sun revealed a number of gamers quickly complained the 3D screen left them with headaches. Telly and radio presenter Jonathan Ross - a Nintendo champion - admitted that he got headaches after playing the console for a long time."

Well yes... as would happen with any console! What you don't seem to understand is that it's the same thing as sitting in the Cinema watching a film, the same would happen!

"But others said the cutting-edge screen had IMPROVED their vision. Industry execs last night said the biggest problem was the games launched for the console simply weren't good enough."

I personally agree with what the "others" say here, I feel that since I've gotten the 3DS my vision has changed... in a good way. I feel more aware of my depth perception and I can notice it better now in real life! Granted, the launch for 3DS wasn't the best, but it kept us going until the great titles came out, and there are more to come of those! Believe you me!

"Rival Japanese giants SONY and PANASONIC both stuck to profit forecasts yesterday. But Sony slashed sales targets for LCD TVs by five million to 22 million."

Yeah, the only point you've made here is that you're a bunch of Sony and Panasonic fans (they exist) who sit in shock when Nintendo do something unexpected.

So what have we learned today NGNers? Don't buy the Sun, even if you do enjoy boobs!

P.S: you can read the whole thing here, if you so wish...

/Thom Isaacs

Nintendo selling the 3DS at a loss.

Not long after Nintendo announced the price drop for their 3DS console, new information has been shared that indicates Nintendo will be selling their 3DS at a loss. Mr Satoru Iwata of Nintendo has said this is a necessary decision in order to improve fiscal performance next year and for the future of the 3DS. 

This type of decision is not something you'd expect to hear from Nintendo, considering their popularity worldwide. But many believe it's to raise the consoles popularity worldwide. And many, including myself have faith in Nintendo.

~Ricky Taylor

New North American 3DS price confirmed and ready for pre-order

It has now been confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS will be available at $169.99 in North America, as of August 12th. What's cool is that Amazon is allowing you to pre-order for this date! So if you're one of NGN's American readers, and you want to get a cut-price 3DS, you can click here to pre-order!

/Thom Isaacs

Thursday 28 July 2011

''Operation Moonfall'' underway!

After the success of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Nintendo have hinted that the sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask could very well be remade for the Nintendo 3DS.

As a result of this, the guys over at Zelda Universe has started something that's called ''Operation Moonfall'' which, in a nutshell, is a movement to let Nintendo know that a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is really something that the fans would love to see.

If you are a fan that would like to see more Zelda in 3D, then Click here to find out how to sign up and participate.

~Ricky Taylor

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D pushed back to 2012 in North America

So Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D has already been delayed for Europe. But now it has been confirmed that it has also been delayed in North America, who's residents will not be able to purchase the game until some time in 2012.

There are no official statements as to why there are delays for the said game, but we can all hope it's for improvements to the game.

Check back for updates in the future.

~Ricky Taylor

Nintendo 3ds VC giveaway

Nintendo are being too kind to us loyal fans. Anyone remember the connection ambassador program for the wii, which attracted new online users? Well, here comes another giveaway, and this time it’s too good to be true.

People who already own a 3ds will be able to download 20 virtual console games for absolutely nothing at all! All they have to do is connect to the eshop once, and register their 3ds system with club Nintendo, answering their quick and easy survey. In case the word “survey” has gotten your hopes down, don’t think like that, because as soon as we found this, everyone at NGN stopped working and got to it, and it’s safe. Seriously!

You won’t get the downloads straight away, but when the eshop updates again. Scheduled for August 12th, we’ll be getting some Game boy advance games for the eshop! 3ds owners who took the ambassador program will get to download any games from the range, which is set to include:

·         Super Mario advance 3: Yoshi’s island

·         Mario kart: super circuit

·         Metroid fusion

·         Warioware inc.: Minigame mania

·         Mario vs. Donkey kong

There will also be NES games available for download too! So if you haven’t got a 3ds yet and have the money or mind to get one, now couldn’t be a better time. We might even struggle to deliver news on that date... Only kidding! Nintendo are truly generous to give away such things for us. The NES games will be available from September 1st, so there will still be a bit of wait before we can get our hands on them.

Sheldon Greenaway

Super Mario 3D Land to be released November

I’m sure some of you guys and girls out there are fans of Mario. I’m sure some of you even went to E3 or at least watched it somehow. And that means that you’re all aware of the announced Mario 3d game for the 3ds, which has now been nostalgically named, Super Mario 3D Land.

The E3 videos show a few numerous screens of this game, from the looks of things, there’s a Mario galaxy feel to it in there somewhere, whether it be running around surfaces to the point that you’re upside down or flying using launch star like gimmicks. From the sounds of things, Mario himself will be enjoying himself. And from the name, we can guess Nintendo are going to stuff in some kind of reference to the original game boy classic. Anyone hoping to see Tatanga again as a boss?

There is lots of speculation for this game as you’d expect, and we are no different. I’m thinking Daisy will play a more important role in this game than what she normally does. Either way, all our questions will be answered in November, which is when the game has been set to be released, but with no exact date don’t be surprised if it’s delayed. We’ll be reviewing it for sure!

Sheldon Greenaway

"Mario Kart 7" racing to our shelves this December

Mario Kart 3D has been renamed to Mario Kart 7 (stupid name, I know), and will be arriving this December. There's no details of a specific date yet or what country this applies to however.
While I'm not a big fan of racers I do enjoy a bit of MK every now and again. So, will you be getting it?

HUGE Price Drop on 3DS starting August 12th

Well well well well well... Do you not have a 3DS? And do you want one but think it's overpriced? Well fear not my friends! The 3DS's price will be lowered as of 12th of August 201. When that date comes the 3DS's price tag will be an attractive: $169.99 in North America, $249.95 in Australia, 15,000 Yen in Japan... as for Europe, we don't know. All that has been said about Europe is that the 3DS's price will be lowered by "about a third". Anyways here is what Reggie Fils-Amie (head of NOA) had to say about it:

"For anyone who was on the fence about buying a Nintendo 3DS, this is a huge motivation to buy now. We are giving shoppers every incentive to pick up a Nintendo 3DS, from an amazing new price to a rapid-fire succession of great games."

As for Europe:

"Nintendo of Europe will be reducing the European trade price of Nintendo 3DS to retailers by around a third from 12th August 2011, as part of a global trade price reduction initiative,"Nintendo told Eurogamer, "The ultimate price to consumers is, of course, determined by retailers, however we look forward to consumers benefiting from much lower retail prices very soon."

So, if you bdon't have a 3DS, I suggest you wait 'till august 12th!

/Thom Isaacs

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Resident Evil: Revelations new details.

A few more game play details regarding Resident Evil: Revelations have been shared by Capcom.

There are said to be 'underwater sections' that will have full 360 Degree swimming and on top of that, there are a few underwater weapons that of course will be used for underwater fights against deadly sea monsters.

Also a new game play element will be introduced into Revelations, known as 'Elemental Hazards'. This will involve things such as severe cold and freezing that will harm the character on screen.

There is no news on the game Story-Wise, but the mysterious masked man at the end of the E3 trailer looks set to play a big part in the story. Also there is a possibility of an appearance from the infamous Albert Wesker, but not officially confirmed as of yet!

With more info still set to be revealed in August, are you all getting exited? I know I am! Capcom could be onto a killer game here!

~Ricky Taylor

Inazuma 11 UK Release Date confirmed.

Inazuma 11, the football/RPG game from the same creators of the much loved Professor Layton series has finally got a UK release date. We will be able to purchase this DS game on the 26th of August 2011! Many people have been waiting a while to get Inazuma 11 and have also been looking forward to the Anime that will walk out onto the field of the Disney Channel on the 25th of July 2011.

It's said to have a story mode that has you follow the path of a teenage goalkeeper named Mark Evans, as he tries to win over some of the best players around for his School Football Team, so that his school can have a shot at glory by winning the 'Football Frontier Tournament'.

But it's not all about the football, you don't spend all your time on a football pitch. You can explore the local town to assist your hunt for better players to recruit for your team. With over 1000 different players with different statistics to scout, there is plenty of time to make the best football team you possibly can. Also, with the addition of Wi-Fi, you are able to get 50 extra players on top of the already big selection.

So are any of you looking forward to Inazuma 11? Will it be a scorcher from the half-way line? Or an own goal? You decide!

~Ricky Taylor

Sonic Generations 3ds screenshots

Down here at NGN, I’m most excited about the upcoming 3ds games – the new ones, not the remakes. Without a doubt, the new game that looks most promising (and close) is Sonic generations, which is supposed to return the game play of classic sonic, and fuse it with the better new game play of current sonic. From the looks of these screenshots, we’ll have some sweet graphics for the 3ds version of the game. And is it just me, or is there an element of Sonic heroes in this? Either way, here are the screenshots; we’ll be bringing more information as it comes!

[Source: 3dsblog]

Sheldon Greenaway

3DS System update

Remember that blue light on the notification LED of your 3ds on the 7th of June? Well you should be seeing it again today once you connect your 3ds to the internet. No, it isn’t the usual Pokedex update, this time its a full on 3ds update. Nintendo have stated that this update will stabilise the system and upgrade its online capability a bit more, allowing it to browse the web faster.
I reckon that this update also upgrades the system security, so if any of you have taken the wrong road and got an R4 3ds, then I suggest that you stop using, like you should have done ages ago. If Nintendo detect usage of a flashcard on your 3ds system, then your 3ds will be bricked, and Nintendo will refuse to fix it.

Monday 25 July 2011

New Skyward Sword Trailer - Comic-Con 2011

Comic-Con 2011 was recently on in San Diego. And there, we got a brand new trailer for Skyward Sword. Here it is in all it's glory:

You'll notice that if you pause at around 1:21 then you can see the Sheikah Symbol on the stone. Could this mean The Sheikah will play a role in Skyward Sword? Lets hope for more news Soon!

/Thom Isaacs

Pokémon Rumble Blast: JP release date delayed

Earlier today, the official pokemon website released information that the release date for the brand new Pokemon 3ds game, Pokemon Rumble blast, has been delayed. They did not state why the game has been delayed, but did put that the new release date is August 11th 2011, two weeks later than the original release date. This game, known as Super Pokemon Scramble in Japan, is the first Pokemon game on 3ds as well as the upgraded sequel to Pokemon Rumble on wiiware, is quite anticipated by fans. The fact that it has been delayed in Japan means that we won’t get it as soon as we could’ve possibly got it either.

[Source: Serebii]

Sheldon Greenaway

Skyward sword won't have Ganon

The great king of evil and main villain of the Zelda franchise, Ganon, will not be appearing in upcoming Zelda game, skyward sword. What this means for fans is that possibly a completely new villain will step up to the last boss position. What will be their main motive (well, way of taking over hyrule) be? How will they do it? And how will they be defeated? Well so far we know who it is. In an interview with the US Nintendo Power Magazine, Zelda Producer Eiji Aonuma revealed that Lord Ghirahim will be Link’s main enemy.

It shouldn’t be much of a surprise to fans who are looking news on skyward sword; they already know that the game doesn’t focus around the triforce as much as other Zelda games do. A lot of new features are getting revealed in this game, which is only making everyone get more excited about it. If anything, it’ll prove to be a completely new game to us all.

"Ganon typically appears in a Zelda game when the story is centred around the Triforce. This time around, the Triforce sort of takes on a different meaning and plays a different role in the story," Aonuma told Nintendo Power. "So because of that, Ganon will not appear."

"Thinking about Ganon, he's a very masculine, powerful, evil character that anyone can look at and realise is your archenemy in the game. This time around, I thought that if we featured a character similar in presentation to Ganon, it really wouldn't make that much of a difference and that new character wouldn't have much impact.

"I wanted to make a character that contrasted what people think about Ganon - someone who is a little bit mysterious and kind of makes people think, 'well, I don't really know what to make of this somewhat terrifying character.' That was sort of my goal in making a character like Ghirahim, and that's basically why I did that."

What do you think of this? Has he made a good choice?

[ Source: nintendocharged ]

Sheldon Greenaway

New Zelda Musical Instrument revealed

About a month ago, Koji Kondo said that Skyward Sword would feature "new musical gameplay elements". Well today it was revealed that Link will actually be playing a Harp in SS.  Which just strengthens the rumours of the Sheikah being involved. Skyward Sword is a prequel , it tells of the creation of the Master Sword. My theory is, the harp Link plays in SS, is the same one Sheik plays in OoT. Well I guess we'll have to wait until the "holiday season" to really find out!

/Thom Isaacs

Friday 22 July 2011

NGN's Top 5.... Other Platform Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console.

Yes yes I know this is a Nintendo website. But sometimes we think to ourselves "what if? What if this game were on a Nintendo console...?". I may be a true, dedicated Nintendo gamer myself but I do own other platforms too (such as a PS3, PSP etc.)! So now, here is my Top 5 Other Platform Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console:


I personally love Uncharted... The storyline, the gameplay, the voice acting, it's done very well. I can't wait for the 3rd one coming out in the series, because I really did enjoy Uncharted 2! I also enjoy the attention to detail in the game, for example the jumping is very natural and such. I think it would be a brilliant game on Wii U. Because of the Graphical boost and the touch screen controller, it could make the game that little bit more interesting.

I am a big fan of MGS. I played Snake Eater on PS2 (which I haven't completed yet), and when I heard that was coming to 3DS, I was overjoyed. Now that game is amazing but what we need is MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots. Although Snake eater on 3DS has elements from it, it still doesn't have the octo-camo and such. I think that a Wii-U or 3DS version of this game would kick butt! So you heard me Hideo Kojima, WE WANT MGS4!


Heavy Rain is an interesting little title... Although it's short it does give you a unique experience. It's sort of a more "grown up" Dragon's Lair if you will. It feels like you're watching a movie yet interacting with what happens (which is exactly what you do). But, if it were on a Nintendo console like Wii-U or 3DS, then it could really enhance the game. Instead of pressing buttons on the controller you could use touch controls, and little things like that. Not to mention how amazing a handheld version of this game would be! But this will never happen... So we can only play Heavy Rain on PS3...forever............


I am gonna get so many comments on this saying: "Wut da duck?! Portal iz gay and overrated innit!", well you know what?! I don't care! I LOVE Portal. I love the Gameplay, the concept, the level design, the cake (which is a lie), everything! It would be great to have a 3DS or Wii or even Wii-U version, or sequel, of Portal! And Valve said it MAY happen! We can only wait and see!

Aha! Just looking at this top 5 so far you would never expect #1 to be LBP! Well yes being the Nintendo Gamer I am this is a perfect game for me. I love it! It would just be amazing on Wii or Wii-U! Oh and Sackboy's cute... I like Sackboy. Although the controls are a wee bit broken and the level design aspect is frustrating. I think that if the controls were used wisely on Wii-U, and if they made the Level Design Aspect less frustrating; it could be a brilliant game for all of us!


Well guys I hope you liked this, rather odd, top 5. But it's not over yet! There is going to be a second one. What we want you to do is to give us your #1 game that would be amazing on a Nintendo console. Out of all the votes we choose a top 5. We also want you to write the reason for that game being your #1. The best reason for that game will be in: Reader's Top 5: Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console! You can enter by twitter: @NGNewz, Facebook, or you can email us at: or EVEN in the comments below!

Thanks guys! Please do tell us what games YOU think would be great on a Nintendo console! 'till then: see you next time!

/Thom Isaacs

Thursday 21 July 2011

More Ubisoft Shovelware coming to 3DS

Guys remember when the Ubisoft Logo was a Rainbow?
Yeah... back when Ubisoft were GOOD!

A few days ago we told you that Assasin's Creed: Lost Legacy on 3DS had been cancelled. Well now Ubisoft have released their Sales Figures. All of this is boring boring boring except for one little bit.

"AC 3DS is cancelled as was said by the lead writer, decision was made back in Sep 2010. Titles like Imagine and Petz are coming."

Rant Alert:

COME ON! I MEAN REALLY?! IMAGINE AND PETZ REPLACING AC?! IT'S JUST STUPID! This just goes to show how Ubisoft don't give a crap about Nintendo, and produce Shovelware instead of GOOD GAMES! Ubisoft: I am, once again, VERY dissapoint!

Rant over.

/Thom Isaacs

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Super Pokemon Scramble renamed and given a North American release date.

Remember that Pokemon game announced a while back as "Super Pokemon Scramble"? Well now it's been renamed (outside of Japan) and given a North American release date. The new name is "Pokemon Rumble Blast" which is fine by me! The release date for North America is the 31st of October. Nothing yet of a UK date though...

Gameplay wise "you'll be able to collect over 600 Pokemon, different Toy Pokemon". The game also features a local wireless play mode and StreetPass. The StreetPass aspect sees your Toy Pokemon fighting the other Toy Pokemon belonging to your opponent. I assume this is similar to the Super Street Fighter  IV 3D Edition StreetPass mode but we'll just have to wait and see! We also have some screenshots and a trailer:

Sorry about the screenshots messing up! It's impossible to add them without blogspot screwing the whole thing up! The main thing is you can see them! So yeah, are you exited?

/Thom Isaacs

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Mega Man Legends: 3 and Assasin's Creed on 3DS both Cancelled

We had hints before that this might happen... Assasin's Creed on 3DS and Mega Man Legends: 3 have both been cancelled. It's sad with Mega Man Legends: 3, it looked like it could be a really good game! I liked the idea of getting the public to help with the game. As with Assasin's Creed, it's been cancelled. That's also sad. I mean, people always hate on Nintendo for being too "childish", and it looked like Assasin's Creed on 3DS could really change that. But as I said, it's also been cancelled! So for now, we'll just have to mourn for the death of these games. And hope that, one day, we may still get them, however unlikely that may be!

In lighter news I'd just like to say that NGN has reached 100 posts! Thanks guys! Here's to 100 more! Love ya! Xxx (yeah I sent kisses! What ya gonna do about it?!)

/Thom Isaacs

New "Kirby Mass Attack" gameplay video and screenshots

I have no idea how I forgot to announce this! It's been around since E3 back  at the start of June! So yeah excuse my fail! Anyways this is a new Kirby game for DS. And now we have a new trailer and some screenshots!

as you can see by the video it's sort of a cross between Pikmin and Power Painbrush, and I like that idea... The gameplay sees you moving a group of Kirbys (Kirby, Kirbies, Kirbs, I dunno what is the plural of Kirby???) using the stylus. I guess the objective is to complete the level with as many (alive) Kirbys as possible.

It seems different to other Kirby games, and to be honest I don't think that's a bad thing! Kirby is famous for being over powered which makes the game rather easy. Could Kirby Mass Attack change that? Here's hoping!

Click here to see the screenshots

Yeah that's the only way I could get the screenshots! Thanks ONM!

/Thom Isaacs

Nintendo coming to Comic Con

As I know NGN has some American readers (almost half of our views are US views! Thanks America!), I thought I'd mention that Nintendo is coming to Comic Con in San Diego this year, where you can play some of the "highly anticipated" games coming to both 3DS and Wii. These games are:

Nintendo 3DS:
Super Mario
Mario Kart
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Star Fox 64™ 3D
The Legend of Zelda™: Ocarina of Time™ 3D
Pokédex™ 3D
METAL GEAR SOLID® Snake Eater 3D from Konami
Shinobi™ from SEGA®
Super Street Fighter® IV 3D Edition from CAPCOM
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Kirby™ Wii
Rhythm Heaven™
Fortune Street™
Captain America™: Super Soldier™ from SEGA
Just Dance® 3 from Ubisoft®
Nintendo DS™ family of systems:
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker™ 2

Not only will you be able to play them, but Nintendo are going to be doing Daily Giveaways with prizes including collectable Kid Icarus AR Cards!

So if you're in the San Diego area from July 21st to July 24th, or are going to Comic Con anyway, why not visit the Nintendo Gaming Lounge? You can find out more by clicking here (you know you want to!).

/Thom Isaacs

Monster Hunter may still be coming to 3DS

We have had a few hints in the past of Monster Hunter coming to 3DS... and nothing really came of them. But now, David Reeves (the COO of Capcom Europe), has said, (in refrance to the possibillty of Monster Hunter on both PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS) this:

“I think down the road, you could probably see a Monster Hunter iteration somewhere. Probably on both of them.”

So yeah... here's hoping it'll happen! Most likely there will be a PS Vita, Monster Hunter game. Not sure about 3DS...

You can read more about what Reeves had to say here.

/Thom Isaacs

Sunday 17 July 2011

Unboxing of the new "Red Flare" 3DS

Sorry I didn't have time to announce this when it was first announced. But now I can tell you that the "Red Flare" 3DS came out in Japan a couple of days ago. And now we have a couple of unboxing videos! And here is the only one in English (as far as I know):

Looks good to me! But do you want it to be released in the UK or USA?

/Thom Isaacs

Exclusive Stage To Sonic Generations 3DS

Looks like Sonic Generations 3D will have a bonus level exclusive to the 3DS. Here are a couple of screenshots:

These stages are meant to make use of the 3D effect. And if you look at it, you can see that it's pretty much the same thing as the special stage in Sonic 2 on the Mega Drive (or "Genesis" to all our American readers). So yeah it looks good, I'd like to see what they do with it!

/Thom Isaacs

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Sorry for not being so active. And some news on the Nintendo Video Service in Europe

Yeah. As said in the name I am really sorry about the lack of activity recently! I haven't had much contact with Ricky at the moment and Sheldon is away for a week. And I have had a really long and tiring  week and I didn't really have the time to write!

Anyways remember that video service on the 3DS which was in Japan recently? Well yeah! It's been confirmed for Europe for TODAY! Well... at least it was! But if you try and update then it says that the system is up to date! FAIL NINTENDO! /_-

The content doesn't really appeal to me though... So far we have:

Selected episodes from Oscar’s Oasis, a cult cartoon series. These will be in 3D for the first time. 

Country-exclusive content. all we know about this though is that Germany will have short documentaries about nature, science, travel and more.

 So yeah I don't know when this will work! But when it does I will inform you ASAP!


/Thom Isaacs

NGN's top 15: Favourite Pokémon

In this article, the Japanese names are in brackets, followed by their Japanese pronunciation in italics.

Pokèmon is one of those franchises where everyone is free to choose their own partners. Everyone has different teams and preferable pokèmon. Even different types of moves. Can you agree with me on my top 15 favourite pokèmon?

15. Watchog

Yes, Watchog. (miruhog, “miruhog”). It may be a rat of some kind, but it’s that confident look it constantly has that’s to like. Especially during the anime, it shows off some pretty cool, speedy movements like a ninja. Also, it has one of my favourite elements in the game – the element of pure anger, the moves this Pokémon learns, and the low level it learns them makes it really get on peoples nerves! Hypnosis! Confuse ray! Super fang! Ha!

14. Reshiram

Strangely, Reshiram doesn’t have as many fans as it should have, partly because of Zekrom’s technical types. However I prefer Reshiram, honestly. It’s a beautiful, pure white yang dragon with crystal blue eyes and a calming, yet spiritual cry. Also it has one of the coolest signature attacks in the game (blue flare) that almost makes a perfect Pokémon for me. Reshiram is one of the reasons I was so reluctant to buy White version, I love hearing its cry every time I press start on the title screen! Reshiram becoming the main hero’s partner also seems to suit the storyline more.

13. Charizard

He may be a favourite among many, but so what? I’m not afraid to admit that Charizard (Lizardon, “rizardon”) is one of my favourite dragons. The only reason Charizard isn’t a dragon is because it’s a starter Pokémon, and that’s understandable, at least it can learn dragon moves of countless kinds. An epic character in the anime at all times, it’s not wrong to think highly of Charizard whenever it appears. This goes for in game and anime. It also has one of the best shiny forms, and from someone who hardly cares about shinies, that’s rare!

 12. Scolipede

Now I am not a fan of bug types, there often low defence drives me mad about using them. I often try to use one, and then go mad every time the Pokémon gets beaten by another about 5 levels lower. But Scolipede (Pendraa, “pendoraa”) is a completely different story. The gigantic caterpillar – steam roller like creature is endlessly savage, with deadly poison qualities and horns all over. It’s even got enough weight to spread dust when summoned in battle! With a sharp, screeching cry, overwhelming speed and pure attack, it is a creature to be feared by many. Such a thing is what I absolutely love! Shame it’s underused.

11. Wigglytuff

What? I like deadly, savage, evil Pokémon? So why is such a cute Pokémon here!? Because! It’s Wigglytuff (Pukurin, “pukurin”)! Not much is more evil than this! It’s cute, it’s a balloon, and it has a massive range of learnable moves and monstrous defence! What’s not to like! But seriously, poor little (well, bigger) Pukurin has been outclassed by its pre evolution over the years. Not many people talk about or love this creature anymore, but question its gender when it comes into conversation. Well, for your information, the Pukurin on Pokémon mystery dungeon: Explorers of time is in fact a male. Just an example of how questionable Pokémon can get, by some people’s opinions. My preference for Pukurin came from his debut in that mystery dungeon game, he’s such an unforgettable character, and just as unpredictable as Fawful!
10. Alakazam

Alakazam (Foodin, “fudin”) reminds me of Yamamoto from the Bleach manga. It’s wise, old, and virtually invincible in its strength. The true preference of Foodin came from just how reliable it is in any type of Pokémon battle. The way how I battle is raw strength – defeat my opponents Pokémon before they even get the chance to attack once, and if my partner gets hit it’s basically over for it. Foodin is perfect for me in that style – unrivalled special attack, unbelievable speed and a good range of learnable moves make it a must for my team. Even dark types struggle to beat it, as proved by Charlie Bartlett.

9. Rayquaza
The legendary beast (“Rekkuza”) only descends from the sky to end the epic, endless battle between Groudon and Kyogre. One of the best designs I’ve seen for a Pokémon, with the best debut in the series (at least, until N’s scenes) and without a doubt one of the strongest Pokémon that exists. I mainly like Rayquaza because of the history I’ve had with it – the attempt to catch it at level 70 without using the master ball was quite a task that seems impossible, and the help it proves against the elite 4 is perfect. One thing for certain is that I love dragons, this one doesn’t let up in any ways – it can be used in any situation, and be trained to battle any way you want it to, so it’s a free legendary that anyone can use. Whenever I play Emerald version I use it, and am very proud to have caught a legit shiny one!

8. Klinklang

By now you must be thinking “this list is strange – one minute it makes sense, the next minute it’s weird”. Well yes, Klinklang (Gigigiaru “gigigiaru”) is possibly the most unoriginal Pokémon ever, with one of the worst names ever whether you’re talking about it in English or Japanese. Its evolutionary chain is just horrible as well. And as much as I use pure offensive Pokémon, this one is technical, useable in many styles. It doesn’t take long to make this Pokémon a battle machine in any match, especially with moves like gear shift and automize, however. It’s also the basic design that I quite like, and the predictable evolutions made it something I just had to train.

7. Drapion

It’s another sharp fang, evil looking beast! And one that requires natural effort to train too! Any Pokémon that evolves from a bug into such an intimidating looking giant scorpion is a Pokémon for me. And having only one weakness – that’s ground type – means that it can well defend itself for countless situations. With the evil ability to triple critical hit strength, combined with moves like swords dance, cross poison, crunch and even toxic spikes, Drapion (“Dorapion”) can not only be used in multiple situations, people barely expect it or know how to handle facing one (especially with its types!)

6. Braviary

Yes, I know it’s over loved. But as much as I love dragons and all the Pokémon above, I absolutely love birds. They ALL look intimidating and fierce, and possess the raw power attributes I’m best with. It took 5 generations of Pokémon to create the perfect bird, or eagle rather, but finally it emerged. Braviary (Wargle “worguru”) is a true beast in battle, showing off unrivalled speed and serious attack prowess. And the effort it takes to train one as well – training an eaglet from level 1 to 54 is not an easy task. It was also the main body of my original triple battle strategy.

5. Vaporeon

Everyone who has played Pokémon since the classic game boy days and gotten into has a Pokémon that is like a destined partner to them, besides their starter. For me, this Pokémon is Vaporeon (Showers) – It was a complete coincidence how I encountered this Pokémon. After finding out that some Pokémon evolve by stones during my time of Pokémon yellow, I bought one of each, only to learn that barely any Pokémon evolve through them (well at least in that time). After obtaining the Eevee, I forgot all my worries as I finally found something to use one of the stones on. I absolutely love water types and use them very well – after all, Showers here lead through the Pokémon league and landed the finishing attack on the champion’s last Pokémon! (First time I ever completed the game – How can anyone forget a time like that!?)

4. Marshtomp

As mentioned above, I love water types. They’re cute, strong in multiple ways, and always seemed to be the easiest to give moves. Marshtomp (Numacraw) is one of the best in this category, and one of the best starters available out of all the Pokémon, and also one of the most annoying counter based fighters – capable of both counter and mirror coat, yet able to learn powerful attack moves like earthquake and waterfall (or even avalanche for those grass types) this is one Pokémon you’re bound to see at least once during a competition. (Or at least, its evolution!)

3. Cinccino
When it comes to liking actual Pokémon, my preferences are something cute or cool, but pure power or a technique I can use. One thing I noticed is that there was never a cute Pokémon that could be used as a pure power attacker, it was always dragon this, steel that. However this all changed in black and white, when this little dream appeared – with outrageous speed, decent attack, and the wicked skill link ability allowing multi-hit moves to always hit 5 times, Cinccino (Chillaccino “chillachino”) not only tears apart opponents with combo moves, but practically stops many defensive Pokémon that use moves like substitute as well! And it’s this cute! What more can one player want? Type coverage? This thing learns rock blast, bullet seed AND tail slap, dude!

2. Hydriegon

Dragons. Everyone loves dragons; the mythical creatures all have wonderful traits in Pokémon. However, like the review above, there was never a dragon that suited my likings exactly, until generation 5. Hydriegon (Sazandra “Sazandora”), is exactly the dream dragon I wanted to see in Pokémon – a savage beast that attacks with special moves like draco meteor and never lets its owner down when tearing up battles. And this one doesn’t fail, even if it isn’t EV trained, especially with the effort it takes to train one up. You’ve got to survive with a very weak dog like dragon with bad moves and the hustle ability for 64 levels until it becomes this near legendary beast. Essential for any team, reliable, and downright awesome whatever way you look at it, Hydriegon is my second favourite pocket monster. I cannot wait to see this Pokémon on the anime.

1.     Oshawott
Yes, this is my number 1 favourite Pokémon. Seriously. By now, by going down the list, you could’ve predicted that it would be a water type. But probably not this one.
When I first found out about the upcoming new Pokémon games, I scooted over to Serebii to see every picture I could find, and there were only the pictures of the three starters, completely unnamed. I was honestly not amused. So I started getting on as usual, checking back to see the game in general. When their names were revealed, Mijumaru was the only one I knew I was pronouncing correctly, and I decided it was the only one I could consider being my starter. Eventually, more and more information was getting release about these starters, and coincidentally, Mijumaru’s – umm – Oshawott’s traits were the only ones I found interesting and innovative!
The favouritism most likely comes from seeing it on the anime. From the first episode where Ash’s new rival picks his first starter, its character was easily noticeable and funny in my eyes, quickly making it my favourite new character. Then came its signature move – razor shell, or shell blade in original Japanese – that sealed it. Not only was this the strongest new addition to Ash’s squad, but it had the most awesome signature move of all the Pokémon I’ve seen! I then saw everything about it was perfect for me. Cool evolutions, water type, cute and cool, and best of all, it's a starter Pokémon, so it couldn’t be easier to get a hold of! Mijumaru is the best starter Pokémon in the game in my opinion, not for battling or such, just in general.


So now, you’ve seen my top 15 favourite Pokémon. Do you have a list? Do you agree with any of mine? Leave your comments below, or on facebook!

~Sheldon Greenaway