
Friday 22 July 2011

NGN's Top 5.... Other Platform Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console.

Yes yes I know this is a Nintendo website. But sometimes we think to ourselves "what if? What if this game were on a Nintendo console...?". I may be a true, dedicated Nintendo gamer myself but I do own other platforms too (such as a PS3, PSP etc.)! So now, here is my Top 5 Other Platform Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console:


I personally love Uncharted... The storyline, the gameplay, the voice acting, it's done very well. I can't wait for the 3rd one coming out in the series, because I really did enjoy Uncharted 2! I also enjoy the attention to detail in the game, for example the jumping is very natural and such. I think it would be a brilliant game on Wii U. Because of the Graphical boost and the touch screen controller, it could make the game that little bit more interesting.

I am a big fan of MGS. I played Snake Eater on PS2 (which I haven't completed yet), and when I heard that was coming to 3DS, I was overjoyed. Now that game is amazing but what we need is MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots. Although Snake eater on 3DS has elements from it, it still doesn't have the octo-camo and such. I think that a Wii-U or 3DS version of this game would kick butt! So you heard me Hideo Kojima, WE WANT MGS4!


Heavy Rain is an interesting little title... Although it's short it does give you a unique experience. It's sort of a more "grown up" Dragon's Lair if you will. It feels like you're watching a movie yet interacting with what happens (which is exactly what you do). But, if it were on a Nintendo console like Wii-U or 3DS, then it could really enhance the game. Instead of pressing buttons on the controller you could use touch controls, and little things like that. Not to mention how amazing a handheld version of this game would be! But this will never happen... So we can only play Heavy Rain on PS3...forever............


I am gonna get so many comments on this saying: "Wut da duck?! Portal iz gay and overrated innit!", well you know what?! I don't care! I LOVE Portal. I love the Gameplay, the concept, the level design, the cake (which is a lie), everything! It would be great to have a 3DS or Wii or even Wii-U version, or sequel, of Portal! And Valve said it MAY happen! We can only wait and see!

Aha! Just looking at this top 5 so far you would never expect #1 to be LBP! Well yes being the Nintendo Gamer I am this is a perfect game for me. I love it! It would just be amazing on Wii or Wii-U! Oh and Sackboy's cute... I like Sackboy. Although the controls are a wee bit broken and the level design aspect is frustrating. I think that if the controls were used wisely on Wii-U, and if they made the Level Design Aspect less frustrating; it could be a brilliant game for all of us!


Well guys I hope you liked this, rather odd, top 5. But it's not over yet! There is going to be a second one. What we want you to do is to give us your #1 game that would be amazing on a Nintendo console. Out of all the votes we choose a top 5. We also want you to write the reason for that game being your #1. The best reason for that game will be in: Reader's Top 5: Games That Would Be Amazing on a Nintendo Console! You can enter by twitter: @NGNewz, Facebook, or you can email us at: or EVEN in the comments below!

Thanks guys! Please do tell us what games YOU think would be great on a Nintendo console! 'till then: see you next time!

/Thom Isaacs

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