
Sunday 3 July 2011

Nintendo 3DS Press Conference due for 19th July 2011.

Nintendo have announced that there will be a 3DS press conference this month on the 19th. No major details have been said as to what they will be showing, if anything. Or if we will be able to watch online. Just the date of the conference for now.

I believe we will most likely see lengthier trailers from E3, but let's face it, we are all hoping for something new. And the fact that Nintendo have called a Press Conference in such a short time after E3 last month, I think our luck may be in.

My personal predictions are trailers of some (hopefully) big titles that didn't have a trailer prepared in time for Nintendo's E3 presentation.

But as I said earlier, no details (minus the date) have been released yet, so the chance that I am wrong is high at this moment in time. I guess we will have to wait and see if Nintendo have some big shockers for us!

~Ricky Taylor

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