
Thursday 7 July 2011

Final Fantasy confirmed for 3DS...

Square Enix have confirmed a Final Fantasy game for the Nintendo 3DS... But hold your Chocobo's.. Don't get to exited..

The game is called ''Theatrhythm Final Fantasy'' and is (as the name suggests) a rhythm based Final Fantasy, where all the battles will be based on rhythm.

This game may or may not appeal to long term fans of the series due to it's massive differences. But the game is said to feature things from previous games like; towns, dungeons, music and characters. We even see an appearance from Mr. Cloud Strife!

That said, we all know what we really want is a fully fledged RPG from Square Enix on our beloved 3DS. With the Nintendo 3DS Conference on the 19th July, who knows? Maybe we'll get that too!

~Ricky Taylor

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