
Sunday 29 May 2011

Sonic Generations and Shinobi CONFIRMED for 3DS!

Sonic Generations on 3DS:

The above image is the first thing we saw about the confirmed Sonic game. This picture was leaked onto the internet and you might also notice that Shinobi 3D is revealed there (but we'll get to that in a sec)!

We then got some screenshots and details about the game, and here they are (screenshots first):

Sorry about the low activity recently

yeah... this post's name says it all... So I am very sorry about the low activity recently. It's been a busy couple of days and I promise you that it is going back to normal starting from today! The following posts are going to be a bit late but we're just playing catch up for now. Some posts will be old news by now but I'll still post them anyway if some peopel don't know yet.

But let me make this post lighter and say this: we have a surprise (hopefully) coming on E3 on the 7th of June 2011. I can't confirm if this will happen or not but it is rather likely! That's all I can say for now though, but I hope you're exited because I know I am! :D

so yeah the following posts will be catch up posts!

Over and OUT! ;)

Thursday 26 May 2011

NGN's Nintendo Facts: #4: Koji Kondo

:O I FORGOT ABOUT THIS YESTERDAY! SORRY EVERYONE! I went out and didn't come back until pretty late last night! Sorry

Anyways here is today's (well... yesterday's...), Nintendo Facts! About Koji Kondo! The best composer EVER and my personal hero!


Koji Kondo was the person who did the amazing music in most of Nintendo's games. Including the amazing score in Super Mario Galaxy.

He also composed the Mario Theme and Legend of Zelda Theme. He is a legend and I love his music!

Kondo's Past:

Koji Kondo was born on August 13, 1960.  He took to music at an early age, writing simple tunes for fun even when young. At seventeen years of age, he decided to pursue music professionally. He took Classical training, and learned to play several instruments.

In the early 1980s he heard that some strange un heard of company (not for long) called Nintendo were looking for a composer for their new games console the "Famicom" (or NES outside of a Japan). He never really considered composing for video games but decided to give Nintendo a chance, and was hired in 1983. 

But the following bit is what makes Konda the legend he is!

due to limitations of the NES's sound chip, he was limited to only 4 instruments: two monophonic pulse channels, a monophonic triangle wave channel which could be used as a bass, and a noise channel used for percussion.

So he got a freind called Daltonious to help him with his task. And although Nintendo managed to add another channel (normally reserved for sound effects), his music was still very limited on the system.

Yet despite all this he has gone on to compose music for a STAGGERING 37 GAMES!!!

here is the full list:

Duck Hunt (1984)
Golf (1984)
Famicom BASIC (1984)
Devil World (with Akito Nakatsuka) (1984)
Soccer (1985)
Wrecking Crew (1985)
Kung Fu (1985)
Super Mario Bros. (1985)
Nazo no Murasamejo (1986)
The Legend of Zelda (1986, 1987)
Shin Onigashima (1987)
Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic (Super Mario Bros. 2 outside of Japan) (credited as Konchan) 
Ice Hockey (1988)
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (1986)[3]
Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988, 1990)
Pilotwings (with Soyo Oka) (1990)
Super Mario World (1991)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (1995)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (with Yoko Shimomura and Nobuo Uematsu) (1996)
Super Mario 64 (1996)
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (with Eveline Fischer and David Wise) (1996)
Star Fox 64 (with Hajime Wakai) (1997)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
Super Smash Bros. (with several others) (1999)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (with Toru Minegishi) (2000)
Super Smash Bros. Melee (with several others) (2001)
Super Mario Sunshine (with Shinobu Tanaka) (2002)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (with Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, and Toru Minegishi) (2003)
New Super Mario Bros. (with Asuka Ohta and Hajime Wakai) (2006)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (with Toru Minegishi and Asuka Ohta) (2006)
Super Mario Galaxy (with Mahito Yokota) (2007)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (with several others) (2008) 

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010)

Kondo YOU LEGEND! anyways I'll be back on Sunday the 29th! I can't do it for the next couple of days because I am VERY busy then! so BYE FOR NOW! 

Tuesday 24 May 2011

New Pokémon Game Announced!!!

I am sorry in advance for this post! You see I've mislead you! MWAHAHAHA! Devil smily:


Anyways half of this name is true, there HAS been a new Pokémon game announced... so by now you are probably thinking: "OMG! NEW POGYMANZ GAME! =O" (<--- that's how interwebz people speak)... well actually, I am sorry about this but I am killing your hopes and dreams! The new Pokémon game is...................................................................................................................

Pokémon Battrio...

a Japanese arcade-only game...

yay for false exitement! 

But REALLY Nintendo? A Japanese only ARCADE GAME! I mean I wouldn't mind if it was in the UK too but JAPAN ONLY?!?!?!?! The thing is, it sounds like an okay game! 

It's like the Pokémon Stadium games, the focus is on battling as you scan in three Pokémon pucks. Then you can arrange the position of your Pokémon on the grid and battle. You use Pokémon Black/White Pokémon, and there is also the addition of some nice new features including a spin attack which is awarded if you obtain three of the same Pokémon puck.

Well so much for a new Pokémon game... or is it? Pokémon Battrio was revealed by a Japanese DS magazine called Dengeki. We still have the "intel" if you will, that another Japanese magazine called: "CoroCoro" will reveal a new Pokémon game next month!

So fingers crossed for a new Wii or 3DS Pokémon game! But we'll just have to wait and see!

Monday 23 May 2011

NGN's Nintendo Facts: #3: Nintendo's 3D History

Think that the 3DS is Nintendo's first stride in the world of 3D? If yes then actually you are wrong! Nintendo  have had many tries with 3D in the past! And thus begins today's Nintendo facts!


It all started with the NES... well actually the Famicom (Japanese name for the NES). There was an acsessory for it called the: "Famicom 3D", and this consisted of a pair of liquid crystal shutter glasses that received video signals through dual 3.5mm jacks on a special adapter. These Glasses then created a sense of 3D Depth, much like the 3D on the 3DS. This however, sadly didn't sell well at all and was never released outside of Japan... sad smily:
--------> :(

Anyways here is a photo to show you of what COULD have been!

Then there was the infamous "Virtual Boy"... Nintendo's, no scratch Nintendo's, GAMING'S biggest flop in history. The Virtual Boy was a rather odd device. The user looks into an eyepiece made of neoprene on the front of the machine, and then an eyeglass-style projector allows viewing of the monochromatic (in this case, red) image. However this sold terrible due to complaints of head aches and the like... Nintendo discontinued it the following year in 1996...


Next was the Game Boy Advance SP! They had actually planned to use the same Parralax Barrier technology as they did for 3DS! However this prooved to be too costly at the time and the idea was scrapped...

Then the GameCube! It turns out this console was MEANT to have 3D all along! In fact they got as far as putting 3D technology in it! And originally Luigi's Mansion was supposed to be in 3D. But this couldn't work and Nintendo realised this! 3D TVs were FAR too expensive at the time (even though they still are!), and releasing a 3D console was not a very good idea at the time. So they left it... but know that in any Nintendo GameCube, there is a bit of 3D processing technology on there!


And now, in 2011, Nintendo finally get it right and release................................. THE 3DS! An amazing console and I suggest you read my review if you are undecided whether to buy one or not!

Nintendo, we salute you! *salutes Nintendo*

See you on the 25th guys!


Saturday 21 May 2011

NGN's Nintendo Facts: #2: two interesting things about the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto

Guys I think once a day is a little bit too often for these. So I've decided to make these every 2 days. So today there's one and tomorrow there won't be! Then the day after tomorrow I will have another one for ya and so on and so forth.

Anyways here is today's Nintendo fact!


#1: Did you know that The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto's home in Kyoto. Yup! He lived by a forest that was full of caves and such. And sometimes he would go there and explore the caves and everything around them. And that's how The Legend of Zelda was created. The whole exploration of the game was inspired by this little forest.

#2: everything you need to know about Shigeru Miyamoto. This is pretty much aimed at stalkers. So stalkers enjoy! Anyone who isn't a stalker maybe you are interested anyway!

Shigeru Miyamoto was born on November 16, 1952, so he is 58 at the moment. He was born in Kyoto, Japan, he went to The Kanazawa College of Art, His wife is Yasuko Miyamoto, he has 2 children and his father is Iijake Miyamoto, and his mother is Hinako Aruha. Oh... and he has a mind blowingly amazing singnature! I mean just look at this thing! :O

And his, rather interesting, Wikipedia Page tells us this: "Miyamoto was born in the Japanese town of Sonobe, Kyoto on November 16, 1952. Miyamoto's later work was greatly influenced by his childhood experiences in the town. From an early age, he began to explore the forest around his home. On one of these expeditions, Miyamoto came upon a cave, and, after days of hesitation, went inside. Miyamoto's expeditions into the Kyoto countryside inspired his later work, particularly the Nintendo Entertainment System version of The Legend of Zelda. Miyamoto graduated from Kanazawa Municipal College of Industrial Arts with no job lined up. He also had a love for manga and initially intended to become a professional manga artist before considering a career in video games, where the manga influence in his work would later be evident."

The guy's amazing!

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll be back day after tomorrow (Monday the 23rd of May 2011), to bring you EVEN MORE Nintendo Facts!

Deniz Guzel's Weekly Pokemon Card Reviews {Voted Best Feature in the AGTAs}: Mesprit Lv. X Diamond Pearl/Legends Awakened

Mesprit Lv. X Diamond Pearl Legends Awakened:

Mesprit, Physic Type with 90hp 143/146, Artist -Shizurow
--Art-- I love it to bits, its a wonderful looking card. With the shiny edges and the purple background, it looks awesome. Its one of my favorite looking Lv. X! Shizurow is a great artist, I love all of is illustrations. Darkarai Lv.x and Torterra Lv.X are just more of his cards.
Art Rating ---------9.5----------


It is very rare. lets say that.its around £10.00-£20.00 so its rare, its a great card to keep, so if you come across this, you are very lucky.
Collectors Rating -----9.2---------

--Battle Rating-- Here's the bad part.. in a battle its Useless. When you first look at it you're like 'oooohhh 200 damage this is good' Then there is the catch. If you don't have Uxie and Azelf Lv.X in play.. It does nothing. So really who is actually gonna have All 3 level X's in a deck? yeah, you can use Mesprt Normal's moves. But they are rubbish. Every Mesprit you can get in TCG is useless.

Battle rating. --------2.2-------

Collect it yes. Battle with it? No... Overall Rating -----7.0-----

Friday 20 May 2011

Nintendo 3DS eShop on Wii

As you can see from the above video Nintendo have ALREADY started using credits rather than points! This is the way the 3DS eShop will work when it will be released on 3DS, via Wi-Fi system update! Enjoy!

3DS Sonic Games confusion

Oh. Mah GAWD! This Sonic on 3DS thing is so strange!

So lets start from the beginning:


it started on May 8th when GameStop listed on their database that Sonic Generations, a new Sonic game that is (hopefully) coming out this year and is, according to SEGA: "only coming to 360 and PS3", is being released on the 3DS. This sort of makes sense because SEGA have hinted in the past that a Sonic game will be released on the 3DS, in celebration of Sonic's 20th anniversary. But GameStop have also listed that Time Crisis is coming to the 3DS?!?! Where in the name of names did they hear that?! And that leads me to believe that this information is FALSE! Yes... FALSE!

But here's the chart anyway:


Days past... and we had no comments on this info by SEGA, or any confirmation what so ever! But then, on May 18th (my birthday! ^_^), something came up. A chart in SEGA's financial had sort of confirmed this info! YAY MORE SONIC NEWS! Here's the chart for you so see for yourselves:

Sonic Generations is the one that has: PS3, Xbox360, 3DS, PC as its platforms!


But then... today on May 21st 2011... Generations was taken off SEGA's chart! Was this a mistake or just SEGA covering up for themselves?


Later today, Nintendo Acción, a Spanish magazine have CONFIRMED that a Sonic game is coming to 3DS. And that this game will be exclusive to Nintendo! So this game isn't Generations but at least we now know that Nintendo have an exclusive Sonic game coming their way! THANKS SPAIN!

Here's the little strip confirming it (if you can read spanish... :P)

So! New Sonic game coming huh? That's something to look forward to!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Resident Evil: the Mercenaries 3D to be released on the 3DS in the UK on June 1st!

Official Nintendo Magazine have confirmed that Resident Evil: the Mercenaries 3D will be released on the 3DS in the UK on June 1st! Good news for all you Resi fans! And also, the game will include a demo of Resident Evil: Revelations, which is the other Resi game coming to 3DS!

However! Rvelations won't be coming out 'till 2012 according to Capcom! So the demo should keep you happy for a while!

What's more, is that ONM will review it in their next issue which is out June 9th!

Sorry about the lack of posts guys but this will probably be my last one of the day! So bye for a bit! And sorry!

some info on the Daily Nintendo Facts. And why I haven't been posting much!

Whoa guys I'm sorry! The Daily Nintendo Facts thing sorta failed... and I'm sorry I didn't have time to post much on here! It's been a busy week for me and the next week will be even MORE busy!

I can post a few new posts then I need to go! sorry!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

NEW FEATURE: NGN's Daily Nintendo Facts #1: Nintendo as a company

Hey guys and I hope you like our new feature which is the Daily Nintendo facts. Every day we will bring you an interesting Nintendo fact without you having to move your lazy butts! Just joking! I'm sure your butts rock! ;)


Anyways our first fact is about the company themselves. Nintendo! The company was actually founded on September 23rd, 1889, by FusajiroYamauchi. Which is rather shocking to many people who are hearing this for the first time!

The company produced hand made "Hanafuda Cards" (a traditional Japanese card game) at the time. Much later, in 1963, Nintendo had tried several small niche businesses, such as a cab company and a "Love Hotel" (nothing in the comments about that please... :P). Nintendo also produced a device called the "Nintendo Love Tester", a rather strange device. And the Wikipedia Page tells us this: 

"The Love Tester is a novelty toy made by Nintendo in 1969. Designed 'for young ladies and men', the device tries to determine how much a man and woman loves each other. To operate the device, both users would grab one of the connected spherical metal sensors with one hand and hold each other's hands with the other; then, the meter on the device displays, on a scale between 1 and 100, their 'love score'." 

This was invented by Gunpei Yokoi (the person who invented the original gameboy), and we even have a picture! Look:

This was (not too sadly) only available in Japan though! :/

The company then proceeded to take a turn to gaming in the 80's and made, the Game and Watches (<-- click that to see the Wikipedia Page! It's really interesting)! After that they made the NES and... well... the rest you already know!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for your daily dose of Nintendo Facts!

Friday 13 May 2011

Pokemon game to be revealed on June 15th

WELL WELL WELL! Looks like we have a new Pokemon game comin'!

So we've heard that there might be a Pokemon game revealed on May 21st... that's old news!

 But now we are getting info that it will be unveiled on June 15th via CoroCoro, a Japanese magazine! Fingers crossed for a 3DS release! But for now at least we have a confirmed announcement date! :D :D :D <---- those are happy smilys... I'm happy... :P

Thursday 12 May 2011

Yet another new trailer of Nintendo's upcoming RPG, Pandora's Tower

Nintendo have done it again! New trailer! This game is releasing in Japan THIS MONTH! TELL ME THIS GAME DOESN'T NEED TO BE RELEASED IN THE UK!

Pandora's Towers' storyline goes like this:

"The game is set in the Graecia continent. A harvest festival has begun in the kingdom of Elysium. And Ceres, one of three characters revealed so far, is supposed to be singing at the event. However, beasts appear before she starts singing and when main character Ende finds Ceres, she's unconscious.

The pair manage to escape from the army with the help of a merchant called Graiai. They get to a tower where they find out that Ceres has been cursed by the beast and Ende must gather the flesh of beasts in the tower to rid her of the curse.

Graiai has given you the Orichalcum Chain, which lets 22 year old former soldier Ende know how Ceres is doing. As you play, a timer in the lower left of the screenwill show you how far Ceres' curse has progressed and when it reaches zero it'll be game over.

You can also use this chain to restrain the servant beasts you encounter before you can tear their flesh off to delivery to Ceres.
There are 12 towers to get through, each with a different theme. One of these is a Red Flame Tower where flames will block your progress.

There are bosses at the bottom of each tower and Ende will need the flesh of the bosses of all the towers if he is to completely clear Ceres of her curse."

oooooh! It's so dark I LOVE IT! :D

The 3DS eShop has been delayed in Japan to June 7th.

Nintendo have confirmed that the eShop update is not going to be in May but in June! While the June 7th date is only for Japan, NOA (Nintendo Of America) have confirmed that: “a new system update for the hand-held Nintendo 3DS system will be available in North America the evening of June 6 Pacific time.”

And June 7th is the first day of E3 so it makes sense!

So yeah... only a matter of time until the UK get a date. But at least we have a rough idea when now!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Deniz Guzel's Weekly Pokémon Card Reviews: Mewto- Wizard Promo

Mewto- Wizard Promo

Here is what Deniz had to say:

"Its a card from the late 20th Century, and its a a wizard promo, i'm not an expert at it, but its a wizard promo.

Art- I absolutely hate the card, no offence to the illustrator. It is disgusting, looks like something from the old horror movies, its not the worst i''ve seen but its a bad looking card in my opinion
Art Rating -----5.4-----

It might be old and it look rare, but its worth under 3 quid. not really worthy, however, its a nice card to keep despite its looks.
Collectors Rating -------7.5-------

Its satisfactory. it can do 40 damage, with no catch(and its easy to attach energy cards to by another move). so its decent.
But if you are a 'hardcore' battler (like me) its not recommended. Its got 70hp and a retreat cost of 2. My torchic is better than it. (it can do 80 damage) :P
Battle Ratting -------7.0-------

Overall its alright, but its not that good in some places
Overall rating ------6.6------"

I personally disagree! I like this card but meh! It's his review and his opinion counts too!

CTA Digital launches the Portable Power Battery Pack for the Nintendo 3DS

CTA have made a portable charging cradle for the 3DS. But this is actually awesome (look at the pictures below)! It's small, affordable, handy and you can play on it  while it's clipped to your 3DS! And unlike the "Nyko Power Pack +" this doesn't affect your warrenty. Also it has a little stand (pictured below) so you can say, watch a 3D video in a more comfortable way!

If you want more details or to purchase this handy contraption then click here for the amazon page!

"Major Announcements" coming from Nintendo on May 12th (tomorrow)!

Andriasang is reporting that apparently “a retailer has revealed a schedule of upcoming retail meetings for some major game companies, including Nintendo on May 12th.” This is all fine but what is exiting is that:

“…these meetings, especially in the case of Nintendo, are accompanied by major announcements or at the very least leaks from attending retailers.”

Another thing Nintendo has said is that there will be a Nintendo 3DS Developer Conference on May 17th. Gonna be lots of news in the next couple of weeks!

So today is the 11th! Tomorrow we are gettin’ our “major announcements”! :D