
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Lots of new, interesting rumors relating to Nintendo's new home console

Nintendo's new home console has a lot of rumors relating to it floating around the interwebz... but some new, rather interesting, ones have caught my attention... apparently Nintendo's new monster of a console will be called the: "Nintendo Feel". Now I don't know if this is real or just the name they made up for it but it'll make more sense as you read on! The name Nintendo Feel is quite literal! Not emotional feel but touch feel. The touch screen on the controller uses something known as: "Haptic Feedback Technology". And what this does is it changes the feel of the screen. So for example you're playing Nintendogs... your dog comes up to you on the screen. And if you touch it then the screen feels soft! And say you walk up to a wall or something rough in a game, then the screen feels rough! This technology already exists and has been used in other things. This sounds great and all but remember that these are only rumors, whether or not these are true remains to be seen. But we will have more details about it at E3 which is starts on the 7th of June to the 9th of June. 'Till then, we'll have to make do with unconfirmed rumors!

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