
Saturday 21 May 2011

NGN's Nintendo Facts: #2: two interesting things about the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto

Guys I think once a day is a little bit too often for these. So I've decided to make these every 2 days. So today there's one and tomorrow there won't be! Then the day after tomorrow I will have another one for ya and so on and so forth.

Anyways here is today's Nintendo fact!


#1: Did you know that The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto's home in Kyoto. Yup! He lived by a forest that was full of caves and such. And sometimes he would go there and explore the caves and everything around them. And that's how The Legend of Zelda was created. The whole exploration of the game was inspired by this little forest.

#2: everything you need to know about Shigeru Miyamoto. This is pretty much aimed at stalkers. So stalkers enjoy! Anyone who isn't a stalker maybe you are interested anyway!

Shigeru Miyamoto was born on November 16, 1952, so he is 58 at the moment. He was born in Kyoto, Japan, he went to The Kanazawa College of Art, His wife is Yasuko Miyamoto, he has 2 children and his father is Iijake Miyamoto, and his mother is Hinako Aruha. Oh... and he has a mind blowingly amazing singnature! I mean just look at this thing! :O

And his, rather interesting, Wikipedia Page tells us this: "Miyamoto was born in the Japanese town of Sonobe, Kyoto on November 16, 1952. Miyamoto's later work was greatly influenced by his childhood experiences in the town. From an early age, he began to explore the forest around his home. On one of these expeditions, Miyamoto came upon a cave, and, after days of hesitation, went inside. Miyamoto's expeditions into the Kyoto countryside inspired his later work, particularly the Nintendo Entertainment System version of The Legend of Zelda. Miyamoto graduated from Kanazawa Municipal College of Industrial Arts with no job lined up. He also had a love for manga and initially intended to become a professional manga artist before considering a career in video games, where the manga influence in his work would later be evident."

The guy's amazing!

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll be back day after tomorrow (Monday the 23rd of May 2011), to bring you EVEN MORE Nintendo Facts!

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