
Tuesday 17 May 2011

NEW FEATURE: NGN's Daily Nintendo Facts #1: Nintendo as a company

Hey guys and I hope you like our new feature which is the Daily Nintendo facts. Every day we will bring you an interesting Nintendo fact without you having to move your lazy butts! Just joking! I'm sure your butts rock! ;)


Anyways our first fact is about the company themselves. Nintendo! The company was actually founded on September 23rd, 1889, by FusajiroYamauchi. Which is rather shocking to many people who are hearing this for the first time!

The company produced hand made "Hanafuda Cards" (a traditional Japanese card game) at the time. Much later, in 1963, Nintendo had tried several small niche businesses, such as a cab company and a "Love Hotel" (nothing in the comments about that please... :P). Nintendo also produced a device called the "Nintendo Love Tester", a rather strange device. And the Wikipedia Page tells us this: 

"The Love Tester is a novelty toy made by Nintendo in 1969. Designed 'for young ladies and men', the device tries to determine how much a man and woman loves each other. To operate the device, both users would grab one of the connected spherical metal sensors with one hand and hold each other's hands with the other; then, the meter on the device displays, on a scale between 1 and 100, their 'love score'." 

This was invented by Gunpei Yokoi (the person who invented the original gameboy), and we even have a picture! Look:

This was (not too sadly) only available in Japan though! :/

The company then proceeded to take a turn to gaming in the 80's and made, the Game and Watches (<-- click that to see the Wikipedia Page! It's really interesting)! After that they made the NES and... well... the rest you already know!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for your daily dose of Nintendo Facts!


  1. About the love hotel..... I winder if they played special "get it on" music

  2. LOL! <---- see dat? I is down wit thah kidz innit!
