
Monday 23 May 2011

NGN's Nintendo Facts: #3: Nintendo's 3D History

Think that the 3DS is Nintendo's first stride in the world of 3D? If yes then actually you are wrong! Nintendo  have had many tries with 3D in the past! And thus begins today's Nintendo facts!


It all started with the NES... well actually the Famicom (Japanese name for the NES). There was an acsessory for it called the: "Famicom 3D", and this consisted of a pair of liquid crystal shutter glasses that received video signals through dual 3.5mm jacks on a special adapter. These Glasses then created a sense of 3D Depth, much like the 3D on the 3DS. This however, sadly didn't sell well at all and was never released outside of Japan... sad smily:
--------> :(

Anyways here is a photo to show you of what COULD have been!

Then there was the infamous "Virtual Boy"... Nintendo's, no scratch Nintendo's, GAMING'S biggest flop in history. The Virtual Boy was a rather odd device. The user looks into an eyepiece made of neoprene on the front of the machine, and then an eyeglass-style projector allows viewing of the monochromatic (in this case, red) image. However this sold terrible due to complaints of head aches and the like... Nintendo discontinued it the following year in 1996...


Next was the Game Boy Advance SP! They had actually planned to use the same Parralax Barrier technology as they did for 3DS! However this prooved to be too costly at the time and the idea was scrapped...

Then the GameCube! It turns out this console was MEANT to have 3D all along! In fact they got as far as putting 3D technology in it! And originally Luigi's Mansion was supposed to be in 3D. But this couldn't work and Nintendo realised this! 3D TVs were FAR too expensive at the time (even though they still are!), and releasing a 3D console was not a very good idea at the time. So they left it... but know that in any Nintendo GameCube, there is a bit of 3D processing technology on there!


And now, in 2011, Nintendo finally get it right and release................................. THE 3DS! An amazing console and I suggest you read my review if you are undecided whether to buy one or not!

Nintendo, we salute you! *salutes Nintendo*

See you on the 25th guys!


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