
Tuesday 24 May 2011

New Pokémon Game Announced!!!

I am sorry in advance for this post! You see I've mislead you! MWAHAHAHA! Devil smily:


Anyways half of this name is true, there HAS been a new Pokémon game announced... so by now you are probably thinking: "OMG! NEW POGYMANZ GAME! =O" (<--- that's how interwebz people speak)... well actually, I am sorry about this but I am killing your hopes and dreams! The new Pokémon game is...................................................................................................................

Pokémon Battrio...

a Japanese arcade-only game...

yay for false exitement! 

But REALLY Nintendo? A Japanese only ARCADE GAME! I mean I wouldn't mind if it was in the UK too but JAPAN ONLY?!?!?!?! The thing is, it sounds like an okay game! 

It's like the Pokémon Stadium games, the focus is on battling as you scan in three Pokémon pucks. Then you can arrange the position of your Pokémon on the grid and battle. You use Pokémon Black/White Pokémon, and there is also the addition of some nice new features including a spin attack which is awarded if you obtain three of the same Pokémon puck.

Well so much for a new Pokémon game... or is it? Pokémon Battrio was revealed by a Japanese DS magazine called Dengeki. We still have the "intel" if you will, that another Japanese magazine called: "CoroCoro" will reveal a new Pokémon game next month!

So fingers crossed for a new Wii or 3DS Pokémon game! But we'll just have to wait and see!


  1. You do realise this game was released 4 years ago....there just making new disks and game updates for gen V Pokemon.

  2. wut? really? wow I didn't know that! thanks!
