
Friday 20 May 2011

3DS Sonic Games confusion

Oh. Mah GAWD! This Sonic on 3DS thing is so strange!

So lets start from the beginning:


it started on May 8th when GameStop listed on their database that Sonic Generations, a new Sonic game that is (hopefully) coming out this year and is, according to SEGA: "only coming to 360 and PS3", is being released on the 3DS. This sort of makes sense because SEGA have hinted in the past that a Sonic game will be released on the 3DS, in celebration of Sonic's 20th anniversary. But GameStop have also listed that Time Crisis is coming to the 3DS?!?! Where in the name of names did they hear that?! And that leads me to believe that this information is FALSE! Yes... FALSE!

But here's the chart anyway:


Days past... and we had no comments on this info by SEGA, or any confirmation what so ever! But then, on May 18th (my birthday! ^_^), something came up. A chart in SEGA's financial had sort of confirmed this info! YAY MORE SONIC NEWS! Here's the chart for you so see for yourselves:

Sonic Generations is the one that has: PS3, Xbox360, 3DS, PC as its platforms!


But then... today on May 21st 2011... Generations was taken off SEGA's chart! Was this a mistake or just SEGA covering up for themselves?


Later today, Nintendo Acción, a Spanish magazine have CONFIRMED that a Sonic game is coming to 3DS. And that this game will be exclusive to Nintendo! So this game isn't Generations but at least we now know that Nintendo have an exclusive Sonic game coming their way! THANKS SPAIN!

Here's the little strip confirming it (if you can read spanish... :P)

So! New Sonic game coming huh? That's something to look forward to!

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