
Wednesday 11 May 2011

Deniz Guzel's Weekly Pokémon Card Reviews: Mewto- Wizard Promo

Mewto- Wizard Promo

Here is what Deniz had to say:

"Its a card from the late 20th Century, and its a a wizard promo, i'm not an expert at it, but its a wizard promo.

Art- I absolutely hate the card, no offence to the illustrator. It is disgusting, looks like something from the old horror movies, its not the worst i''ve seen but its a bad looking card in my opinion
Art Rating -----5.4-----

It might be old and it look rare, but its worth under 3 quid. not really worthy, however, its a nice card to keep despite its looks.
Collectors Rating -------7.5-------

Its satisfactory. it can do 40 damage, with no catch(and its easy to attach energy cards to by another move). so its decent.
But if you are a 'hardcore' battler (like me) its not recommended. Its got 70hp and a retreat cost of 2. My torchic is better than it. (it can do 80 damage) :P
Battle Ratting -------7.0-------

Overall its alright, but its not that good in some places
Overall rating ------6.6------"

I personally disagree! I like this card but meh! It's his review and his opinion counts too!

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