
Thursday 30 June 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles: new video

Well... Xenoblade... What can I say about you other than you look FREAKING AWESOME?!

Well today we have a new video! I'll let you watch it first before I go into detail:

There are 2 things I don't get about this trailer:
1) Why are the graphics so... I dunno... not using the most of the Wii's graphical power maybe?
2) Why the accents?! :P

okay the "Why the accents?" question was a stupid one, because Nintendo have confirmed that they have "no plans" to release Xenoblade in the US. So yeah... British accents!

What I find amazing though is the storyline:

"Mechonis is the evil god who once clashed with Bionis in the land of Xenoblades. However, as the aeons passed, the lifeless bodies of these Gods remain."

What's strange though is that the game takes place ON the bodies of these giant gods! You are battling on the side of Bionis in order to repel a mechanical army, and uncover the secrets of a strange sword called the "Monado".

Sounds like a pretty deep storyline to me!

Tetsuya Takahashi explained how he came up with the idea in the latest Iwata Asks:

"This model focuses on the two towering gods: Bionis and Mechonis. I'd also had an unrelated idea for a story, and I thought that if I could successfully combine the two, it might well make for an interesting RPG. This is how the planning process for Xenoblade Chronicles got started."

You can also You can pre-order Xenoblade Chronicles to get a red Classic Controller Pro and also the alternative Xenoblade cover art that was chosen by fans.

So, you like?

/Thom Isaacs

Rayman Origins will be released on 3DS and Wii.

It's been ages since we've had a good Rayman game... Ever since the Rabbids came and took his place he seems... forgotten... But now, Rayman is BACK!

Rayman Origins was announced a while ago as a PSN and XBL downloadable title (which was to be released in chunks, similar to Sonic 4). But now... Origins will be released on 3DS and Wii on WiiWare and eShop!

So what is this game you ask? Well it's a return to Rayman's routes, how he was created and the like (hence the name "Origins").

The gameplay is similar to the original in that it's a 2D platformer, and the art style really interests me...

But the only way you can understand me is with a video and well... LAWD PRAISE YOUTUBE:

Also, Michel Ancel, the creator of Rayman has said this to American Nintendo Magazine, Nintendo Power:

"I am excited to make a game that takes the Nintendo 3DS features into account. That's something that takes a lot of time, but that's what every game should do for this kind of system. I'm excited about Rayman Origins on the Nintendo 3DS!"

So! A proper new Rayman game and not another re-make! RESULT! Lets hope they can pull this off because - from the look of the trailer at least - this game could be very very good!

How do you feel about a new Rayman game?

/Thom Isaacs

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries does not have save files, and can not be re–started

Well well well! Capcom it seems you messed up this time! Apparently Capcom have had the smart idea to NOT allow Resident Evil: The Mercenaries to be restarted! Which means that you can't trade the game in after you've completed the 8 sets of missions! Really?! Even now Gamestop in the US have announced that they won't be accepting trade ins due to this screw up by Capcom! I have a bit of a problem with Mercs though... we all know that Mercenaries is a mode found in most Resi games... releasing it as it's own game was a risk from the start! Also, if you're gonna release a game that you'd normally use as a mode on any other Resi game, at least pack it with content! But no... instead we get a small character selection, online play, and 8 sets of missions! I dunno it just seems like a bit of a rip off to me... like it's just to make as much money as possible! I mean really? not letting you restart your game? Who thought that one up?! And more importantly, who approved it??? So yeah... what do you think of this?

Also, I'd just like to say that this is the first post on NGN written on a 3DS!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!

/Thom Isaacs

Monday 27 June 2011

Some new info regarding the free OoT soundtrack CD from Club Nintendo

Bought Ocarina of Time 3D? Worried you can't get your free CD! Well the offer goes until June 30th but just  to let you know there is NOT a limited amount of these! You might have already known this but did you know you can even get it AFTER June 30th? Well here is the story:

I had just got OoT 3D, and I wanted to register it in order to get the free soundtrack CD. So I finished the process of registration, did the survey, then found out I didn't log in (typical me)! So I clicked back, logged in, and registered again! Yet this time I couldn't register because I already finished the survey and didn't create an account!

So I called them and they told me this:

if you are in the same situation as me, you can send an email to Nintendo, explain the situation to them, and they will send you a new code in the post! Also, if you want the CD you can just ask and you'll still be able to get it after the 30th of June!

Hope we helped you!

/Thom Isaacs

Saturday 25 June 2011

Streetpass and save £££s!

HMV are having a rather interesting offer at the moment! If you want 10% off any 3DS game then alll you need to do is visit one of these stores, and enable streetpass! Then walk around in the shop and you should get an HMV StreetPass Mii, this acts as your voucher to get your 10% off! So if you were thinking of buying a 3DS game but think it too expensive, then use this! I would suggest you buy OoT!

/Thom Isaacs

Thursday 23 June 2011

Skyward Sword will have "new musical gameplay elements" according to Koji Kondo

Zelda is famous for playing music in order to solve puzzles and the like.

So far we've had from an Ocarina to Howling as a Wolf. So we know Skyward Sword will have some kind of musical element knowing the series!

Well according to game music composer (and one of my personal heros) Koji Kondo, IT WILL!

He told Original Sound Vision:

"Our next title, Skyward Sword, also has a wide variety of impressive songs, and it has new musical gameplay elements,"

"Hajime Wakai is in charge of the music, but I also participated in making songs. My composition tools are an electronic piano and a Mac. We use orchestras for a few different songs where we feel that doing so is appropriate." he added.

I find it nice to know that Koji Kondo uses a Mac (like me)!

So what could this mystery element be? And how will it be implemented into play? Only time will tell! For now we can only wait and hope for more news on the subject!

/Thom Isaacs

Kirby TV channel out now on Wii!

by the time you read this you'll have already got a "Wiimail" (I know, bad pun), from Nintendo, telling you that there is a new Wii channel out for download today! This is called the "Kirby TV Channel", and is basically what it says on the tin! every week or so there will be a new episode for you to watch...
Yes... I know what you're thinking (click it... you know you want to!).

Yet having watched the first episode I have some things to say about this little TV show.

Sure it's aimed at little kids who wouldn't notice this but the animation is TERRIBLE! Example:
the show alternates between 2D animation and CGI animation... and these can sometimes mix so as 2 characters, one 2D and one CGI,  interact... this doesn't work very well at all! It doesn't seem right for some reason! Now you might be saying: "Thom, for god's sake it's a children's TV show! Get a grip!". Well this is from my point of view! The animation seemed sticky at times, like when a character is in CGI the movements seem a bit off! More often than not the characters body (in most cases King Dedede), doesn't move while the mouth moves. It's like they've been frozen solid, while only their mouth moves! It seems a bit unnatural...

Anyways while you guys hate me for hatin' on a kids TV show know this:

The show is aimed at little children! They wouldn't notice! Just because I'm a dirty little hobo who has nothing better to do than rant about a kids TV show, doesn't mean you won't enjoy it! So download the Kirby TV channel, and tell me what you think!

/Thom Isaacs

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Zelda WiiU Confirmed

We all knew it was going to happen eventually and that it was inevitable. But the Big Cheese of Nintendo, Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that a new game in The Legend of Zelda series is in development for their new HD console, the WiiU!

“This is an HD system, our first HD system, and we want to create a real HD Zelda game for it,” said Miyamoto. “You will see a lot of these in-depth and deep experiences in terms of visual style. You will also see some play styles that are fun and interesting because of the play structure."

Unfortunately, Miyamoto didn't say if this new HD addition to the Zelda series would be a release game. But either way, this is the best news ever for Nintendo fans World Wide. I'm sure we're in for some big shocking moments when we first see the game in action, most likely at E3 next year. But for now, we can dream about how the game is going to turn out!

~Ricky Taylor

The Game Boy Advance's 10th Anniversary!

Hard to believe it's been 10 years since the legendary GBA launched. So far the games I've found and am going to play again are:

Kurukurukururin: a rather rare game (for which I still have the box), and although it can get a bit repetetive, is a blast to kill 10 minutes on the train or something!

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories: I loved this game when I was younger! This top down RPG is a rather odd one... because when you get in to a battle, the gameplay shifts to 2D... this isn't a bad thing, infact it makes the game better! And although it has some rather cheesy dialogue (Square Enix + Disney... what do you expect), this game is also a great game, and is one of he best Kingdom Hearts games!

Super Mario Advance: who doesn't love this game?! Okay I know a certain Ricky Taylor who won't... because he realy hates Mario... but I love this game! I combines 2 games in one:
1) Super Mario Bros. 2 the NES sequel to the original with enhanced graphics and some voice acting.
2) Mario Bros. The arcade style game makes a comeback! And is fun to play when you have 5 minutes!

So what games will you be playing for the 10th anniversary of the GBA? Let us know in the comments or on facebook!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Japan will receive free television service on the Nintendo 3DS today

Yup the name of the name of this post says it all! Nintendo of Japan have teamed up with Fuji Television and Nippon Television in order for Japanese 3DS users to download free 3D television shows! And will have (at least for now) a range of TV shows including:

"animals, sports, sculptures, and even magic tricks"

But also, earlier this year, Nintendo confirmed that they are working with Eurosport and SKY to bring sports (and HOPEFULLY more) to 3DS IN 3D!

 But one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that Nintendo has ALSO teamed up with Aardman, to bring little, 1 minute long, 3D, Shaun the Sheep videos to the 3DS! Which they hope to release for FREE via eShop at the end of the year! 

But for now! We can only sit and wait! Have fun Japan!

Deniz Guzel's Weekly Pokémon Card Reviews: Lucario Lv.X Mysterious Treasures

I'm sorry guys for the absence, I've been very busy these past weeks.

Lucario Lv.X Mysterious Treasures


I think it looks brilliant.And look who's artwork it is, Ryo Ueda
this just the the legend of all Pokemon cards artists. I really don't think many people will disagree that its a great piece of work.
Art rating ------9.1-------


Its a great card and its one of those that can stand out of your collection. its a valuable ccard, 8-15 quid. not one of the most priciest cards, but definitively one of the coolest.
Collectors rating -----8.8------


There is a slight problem here, it one and only attack does 80 damage, however there is a catch. During the next oppenents turn, they deal 30 extra damage to Lucario Lv.X. So I have a patrat, it can do up to 50 damage to lucario, fortunately Normal lucarios are good, so people who use it in their decks are probably using it for extra hp. Battle Rating -------7.9--------


it's a good card, but it has weakness in some areas, I have one myself and I think it fits into my collection well.
Overall -----8.6------

Star Fox 64 3D release date in Europe

So far we've only known that Star Fox 64 3D will be released in Japan on July 17th and in North America on September 11th.
But I can finally tell you that Star Fox 64 3D, will be released in Europe on September 7th! Once again before America!

I personally think the 3DS is rather "infested" with remakes... for example Ocarina of Time 3D which I have, and is amazingly SUPA DUPA! Oh and expect a review soon! Not sure who will review it though but MAYBE me and Ricky will do a double review! Not sure though!

Yeah so back to the topic of Star Fox 64 3D: I think that IF Nintendo can pull this off (and I'm 98% sure they can), this will be a great game and one worthy of my purchase!

I just wanted to say sorry for the extremely low activity recently! Been a busy month for me and I've gotten myself ill now! But not to worry! Things'll be back to normal very soon!

Monday 13 June 2011

Square Enix "considering" bringing Final Fantasy to the Wii U

Yeah I forgot to tell you guys we have a new writer! His name is Ricky Taylor! And here is what he had to say in his first ever post:


Square Enix are considering bringing their much loved and biggest franchise, Final Fantasy, to the Nintendo WiiU in the future, according to Yoshinori Kitase.

He said: “After seeing Wii U revealed at Nintendo’s conference, we are now considering the possibilities of bringing the Final Fantasy series to the format.”

This of course could be amazing news for fans of the series! And of course, amazing news for Nintendo, as the series could be coming back to it's rightful owners!

With the Nintendo WiiU released World-Wide next year (2012) - I guess only time will tell if these statements are true! For now, we'll just have to sit and hope.

~Ricky Taylor

Wednesday 8 June 2011

A closer look at Paper Mario 3DS

While not much of Paper Mario was talked about during this years E3 conference, we do have some new screens and a trailer to keep us busy while we wait:

Trailer first:

and Screenshots second:

One thing that is immediatley noticeable in these screens is a thing called Battle Chance. This seems to be a sort of roulette game that offers different bonuses.
The big new feature in this installment of the series seems to be stickers. Now, I know that sounds like a small thing to add but they are crucial to access some places and also are a factor in winning fights with Goombas and such. Also the game seems to use good camera angles to make great use of the 3D feature.
Another screen shows us a shop that seems to let us buy more stickers. If this is the case we can see hammers, mushrooms and powerflowers for sale. There's even parachuting Bob Ombs in this game.
It seems like Nintendo have packed so much effort into this game, such as lava levels and a raft section. This should be an exciting experience for all gamers, and judging by these screens, it will be.

NOTE: This was NOT written by me! But by David Parkinson who, very kindly, offered to help me with the E3 news. Because I am over working myself! :P Thanks dude! You rock! :)

Super Mario 3D, trailer and screens - E3 2011

Oh Super Mario 3D, you.look.AWESOME!
I thought Galaxy would be a great game for 3DS but believe you me this works JUST as well!
And the new trailer is also amazing, because it's nice to finally see what's going on with it!
Here is the, very interesting, trailer:

oh, and there are screens:

Also, because of Zelda's 25th anniversary this year, there will be a ZELDA THEMED STAGE! IT'S A TOP DOWN VIEW LEVEL WITH ZELDA MONSTERS! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

So yeah Nintendo hope to release this game by the end of the year. Lets just hope they mean it because I want it NOW!

Mario Kart 3D trailer E3 2011

Yes guys the Karting is BACK! And  this time in 3D with a bunch of new features! But enough from me, this trailer will explain the rest: 

Looks like Mario Kart has gone a bit Diddy Kong Racing on us with the hangliders and such!
This game was escribed by Reggie Fils-Aime (head of Nintendo of America or, NOA) as "a tricked-out version you haven't driven before."


UPDATE: yeah... it turns out there is more news than I thought at first! Apparently Retro Studios are the ones doing Mario Kart 3D! Retro studios are (in my opinion), the best  game developer's since Rare. And they have developed amazing games like Donkey Kong Country Returns, and the Metriod Prime Trilogy! This will be worthy of my perchase then if Retro are doing it!

Star Fox 64 3D, info and trailer

We haven't heard much about Star Fox 64 3D. But this changed last night with the arrival of this trailer:

With advanced graphics, a new control system. online and local multiplayer and much more, this game is good enough for me! Although one thing that annoyed me was the new voice actors! Why not keep the old ones?

 But I have lots of work to do today so I'll let Reggie explain the rest:

I LOVE the idea of putting your opponent's faces on the aircrafts! It looks like a blast! (challenge me if you dare when it comes out! >:P)

But the only thing I'm not too sure about is the motion controls.... it's a bit like Monkey Ball... I prefere the accuracy of an analogue stick (or in this case, slider). But I can't jump to conclusions yet! I'll have to fiddle with it when it comes out.

 No news for a Euoropean release month though, but in the US it's coming in September! Lets hope that applies to us too!

Nintendo's new home console, the "Wii-U" announced at E3 2011

Well guys it's over. The rumors have ended for now and we finally have some news on Nintendo's new home console.

The controller we've heard so much about really does seem to be a handy tool. The controller has a 6.2 inch touch screen display in the middle of the controller. But enough from me, you need to see the trailer to understand the awesomeness of the new console. NOTE: all the "games" shown in this trailer are merely tech demo's, not actual games that are being put into development! So when you see the Zelda Tech Demo, then don't think: "OMG NEW ZELDA GAME! YES YES YES!" because you're wrong, it isn't an actual game! Anyways here is the trailer:

I really like the idea of using the contoller instead of the TV. Because this has happened to me, and many other people, on many occasions:  I'm playing some Mario, sibling walks in, wants to watch Spongebob... I have to turn the Wii off so that they can watch an episode of the little yellow rectangle going on strange adventures! With the Wii-U, I can just put Spongebob on and play on the controller instead! It solves all my problems!

And the video chat also seemse cool and could be (at least for me), the death of Skype!

What's more, is that the graphics have been given a kick start. They are well over 1080p! And that is very noticable in this Graphics Demonstration:

Look at how the water looks so realistic. This is better graphics than the PS3 and Xbox ANY DAY!

Honestly the only thing I can find wrong with this console at first glance is the name! But when you think about it, it does make sense! The reason they called the Wii, the Wii is because it's a play on the word "We". The 2 "i"s represent the Wii-mote and Nunchuck.

After the Wii was released, Play Station and Xbox fanboys accused the console of being too "childish". With no "hardcore" games (hardcore meaning repetetive shooters).
And this got worse as the PS3 and 360 were released.
So now that Nintendo are releaseing the Wii-U this will change, because 3rd party developers are more interested in the console now, what with the graphics boost and everything!
So that means we'll be getting, Asassin's Creed, Battlefield Bad Company and more of these "hardcore" games. So the name Wii-U works in that sense, meaning: "we + you".

It's just adding more to the other gamers who accuse Nintendo of not being hardcore enough!

This is a very smart move by Nintendo and I can't wait to hear more about it!  But for now, all we can do is wait! BRING ON 2012!!!

Luigi's Mansion 2, 3DS confirmed at E3 2011! And there's a trailer

Anyone remember the original Luigi's Mansion on the GameCube? Good for but I don't because I've never played it! Anyways it wasn't meant to be the best game ever.... it was really what's known as a "Marmite Game": you either love it or hate it! I personally hate Marmite but that's a different article all together!

So last night (or morning if you're in the US), was E3 2011! With LOTS of news and info on upcoming Nintendo games, and Nintendo's new home console (you'll find out what it is in a sec).

And during that wonderful hour and a bit, a trailer popped up along with an announcement. An announcement for the NEW, REVAMPED, LUIGI'S MANSION 2 ON 3DS! Here is the trailer:

According to Reggie this game will feature more than one mansion! So what do you think?
Are you exited for the little green guy's new creepy adventure?

Tuesday 7 June 2011

NGN's top 5: E3 2011 wants

Well guys... E3 is nearly upon us... who knows what we'll hear? All I know is that it's going to be a veeeeery long day of writing for me! So lets let that day of writing start off with a top 5. NGN's top 5 E3 wants!



A Pokemon 3DS game:

Pokemon has always seemed to be a perfect game for 3D. And pokemon Black/White show that well with their Parralax Scrolling causing a 3D effect, which seems perfect for 3DS. But what I want for a Pokemon 3D  game is: good 3D effects, and better replay value. The reason I say better replay value is because of Pokemon Black/White. These games are good, with in-depth storyline, but once you've done all the side quests etc. it feels a little bit empty.
Also, give the US and UK some decent event Nintendo! Japan keep getting AWESOME Pokemon while we sit here eventless!

Overall Want Level:


More info on the games we saw at E3 2010:

Yup! E3 2010! LOADS of awesome games announced! We got some info and.... that's it.... no more news.... So please, Nintendo, give us some more news on the amazing games we saw at the last E3! I beg of you! We want to know more about: Skyward Sword, Snake Eater 3D, Animal Crossing 3D, Mario Kart 3D,  and all the rest!

Overall Want Level:



More info on the recently announced Super Mario 3DS:

Super Mario 3DS was announced a couple of months back, at Nintendo's GDC presentation. Mario seems like the perfect game for 3DS, and Nintendo have said that Super Mario 3D is a mix of gameplay styles of Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros. Which sounds good enough for me! I was hoping for a new Galaxy game for 3DS but this seems to fit the bill! The sad thing is though, we have had NO NEWS about it at all (apart from what I just said), so more info would be more than welcome!

Overall Want Level:




*ahem* yeah... excuse that up there...^ But I am quite the Zelda fan... and Skyward Sword was also announced at E3 2011 with no news after it! So we need more news! And E3 2011 seems like the best place to hear it so, I say: Nintendo, TELL US MORE! NOW!

Overall Want Level:


And finally!


Project Cafe

hehehe! You saw this coming! Yup! NGN's #1 want for E3 2011 is more info on "Project Cafe", Nintendo's new home console known more as the Wii 2. However for me, I hope this isn't an upgrade for the Wii. I hope it's something totally new all together! I highly doubt Nintendo won't innovate on this one! So c'mon Nintendo! Give Project Cafe a name and give US more info! :)

Overall Want Level:

11/10 (yes by the power of NGN that IS possible)



6th want 'coz I can: a Metriod 3DS

Yeah... 6th want... 'coz I'm hardcore! Anyway when I said I am a HUGE Zelda fan I forgot to say I'm also a HUGE Metrion fan! So come on Nintendo! I don't even care if it's 3DS or not! Just give us a new Metriod game. In 3D it would be amazing! Imagine playing say.... a new Metriod Prime.... IN 3D! 


Overall want level:

27/10 ('coz I can)

So yeah thanks for reading! Sorry about that bit at the end... I was a little bored and had nothing else to do! :P 

Don't forget you can watch the livestream here:

It's gonna be EPIC! Anyways, 'till next time folks! :)

Sunday 5 June 2011

Launch titles for the 3DS eShop in North America & Europe

Nintendo have announced the launch titles for North America and Europe. Oh and I WILL put up the launch titles for America because I know that people in America read NGN (thanks America!)
So starting with the European launch titles:
  • Pokedex 3D
  • Super Mario Land
  • Alleyway
  • Tennis
  • Excitebike 3D
aaaand finishing with the american ones:

  • Pokedex 3D

  • Super Mario Land

  • Alleyway

  • Radar Mission

  • Excitebike 3D

  • So yeah you're probably wondering what Pokedex 3D is... well basically it's an app for the 3DS WHICH I FORGOT TO ANNOUNCE! /_-
    But I'll try and announce it anyways even though I'm a wee bit late!   

    Friday 3 June 2011

    Konami bringing Frogger to the 3DS

    *sigh* oh Konami... the last thing the world needs is ANOTHER Frogger game. But while I do love Frogger, I don't see the point in re-releasing it; even in 3D! But this 3DS game is celebrating the little green critter's 30th anniversary, and apparently will have: “all-new graphics, novel level design, and new friends to help guide Frogger to safety.”

    And: "There’s sixty different challenges across six different worlds, along with four-player matches and support for StreetPass"

    But at least they've released some sreenshots and a trailer: