
Thursday 23 June 2011

Kirby TV channel out now on Wii!

by the time you read this you'll have already got a "Wiimail" (I know, bad pun), from Nintendo, telling you that there is a new Wii channel out for download today! This is called the "Kirby TV Channel", and is basically what it says on the tin! every week or so there will be a new episode for you to watch...
Yes... I know what you're thinking (click it... you know you want to!).

Yet having watched the first episode I have some things to say about this little TV show.

Sure it's aimed at little kids who wouldn't notice this but the animation is TERRIBLE! Example:
the show alternates between 2D animation and CGI animation... and these can sometimes mix so as 2 characters, one 2D and one CGI,  interact... this doesn't work very well at all! It doesn't seem right for some reason! Now you might be saying: "Thom, for god's sake it's a children's TV show! Get a grip!". Well this is from my point of view! The animation seemed sticky at times, like when a character is in CGI the movements seem a bit off! More often than not the characters body (in most cases King Dedede), doesn't move while the mouth moves. It's like they've been frozen solid, while only their mouth moves! It seems a bit unnatural...

Anyways while you guys hate me for hatin' on a kids TV show know this:

The show is aimed at little children! They wouldn't notice! Just because I'm a dirty little hobo who has nothing better to do than rant about a kids TV show, doesn't mean you won't enjoy it! So download the Kirby TV channel, and tell me what you think!

/Thom Isaacs

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