
Thursday 30 June 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles: new video

Well... Xenoblade... What can I say about you other than you look FREAKING AWESOME?!

Well today we have a new video! I'll let you watch it first before I go into detail:

There are 2 things I don't get about this trailer:
1) Why are the graphics so... I dunno... not using the most of the Wii's graphical power maybe?
2) Why the accents?! :P

okay the "Why the accents?" question was a stupid one, because Nintendo have confirmed that they have "no plans" to release Xenoblade in the US. So yeah... British accents!

What I find amazing though is the storyline:

"Mechonis is the evil god who once clashed with Bionis in the land of Xenoblades. However, as the aeons passed, the lifeless bodies of these Gods remain."

What's strange though is that the game takes place ON the bodies of these giant gods! You are battling on the side of Bionis in order to repel a mechanical army, and uncover the secrets of a strange sword called the "Monado".

Sounds like a pretty deep storyline to me!

Tetsuya Takahashi explained how he came up with the idea in the latest Iwata Asks:

"This model focuses on the two towering gods: Bionis and Mechonis. I'd also had an unrelated idea for a story, and I thought that if I could successfully combine the two, it might well make for an interesting RPG. This is how the planning process for Xenoblade Chronicles got started."

You can also You can pre-order Xenoblade Chronicles to get a red Classic Controller Pro and also the alternative Xenoblade cover art that was chosen by fans.

So, you like?

/Thom Isaacs

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