
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Mario Kart 3D trailer E3 2011

Yes guys the Karting is BACK! And  this time in 3D with a bunch of new features! But enough from me, this trailer will explain the rest: 

Looks like Mario Kart has gone a bit Diddy Kong Racing on us with the hangliders and such!
This game was escribed by Reggie Fils-Aime (head of Nintendo of America or, NOA) as "a tricked-out version you haven't driven before."


UPDATE: yeah... it turns out there is more news than I thought at first! Apparently Retro Studios are the ones doing Mario Kart 3D! Retro studios are (in my opinion), the best  game developer's since Rare. And they have developed amazing games like Donkey Kong Country Returns, and the Metriod Prime Trilogy! This will be worthy of my perchase then if Retro are doing it!

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