
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Nintendo's new home console, the "Wii-U" announced at E3 2011

Well guys it's over. The rumors have ended for now and we finally have some news on Nintendo's new home console.

The controller we've heard so much about really does seem to be a handy tool. The controller has a 6.2 inch touch screen display in the middle of the controller. But enough from me, you need to see the trailer to understand the awesomeness of the new console. NOTE: all the "games" shown in this trailer are merely tech demo's, not actual games that are being put into development! So when you see the Zelda Tech Demo, then don't think: "OMG NEW ZELDA GAME! YES YES YES!" because you're wrong, it isn't an actual game! Anyways here is the trailer:

I really like the idea of using the contoller instead of the TV. Because this has happened to me, and many other people, on many occasions:  I'm playing some Mario, sibling walks in, wants to watch Spongebob... I have to turn the Wii off so that they can watch an episode of the little yellow rectangle going on strange adventures! With the Wii-U, I can just put Spongebob on and play on the controller instead! It solves all my problems!

And the video chat also seemse cool and could be (at least for me), the death of Skype!

What's more, is that the graphics have been given a kick start. They are well over 1080p! And that is very noticable in this Graphics Demonstration:

Look at how the water looks so realistic. This is better graphics than the PS3 and Xbox ANY DAY!

Honestly the only thing I can find wrong with this console at first glance is the name! But when you think about it, it does make sense! The reason they called the Wii, the Wii is because it's a play on the word "We". The 2 "i"s represent the Wii-mote and Nunchuck.

After the Wii was released, Play Station and Xbox fanboys accused the console of being too "childish". With no "hardcore" games (hardcore meaning repetetive shooters).
And this got worse as the PS3 and 360 were released.
So now that Nintendo are releaseing the Wii-U this will change, because 3rd party developers are more interested in the console now, what with the graphics boost and everything!
So that means we'll be getting, Asassin's Creed, Battlefield Bad Company and more of these "hardcore" games. So the name Wii-U works in that sense, meaning: "we + you".

It's just adding more to the other gamers who accuse Nintendo of not being hardcore enough!

This is a very smart move by Nintendo and I can't wait to hear more about it!  But for now, all we can do is wait! BRING ON 2012!!!

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