
Sunday 5 June 2011

Launch titles for the 3DS eShop in North America & Europe

Nintendo have announced the launch titles for North America and Europe. Oh and I WILL put up the launch titles for America because I know that people in America read NGN (thanks America!)
So starting with the European launch titles:
  • Pokedex 3D
  • Super Mario Land
  • Alleyway
  • Tennis
  • Excitebike 3D
aaaand finishing with the american ones:

  • Pokedex 3D

  • Super Mario Land

  • Alleyway

  • Radar Mission

  • Excitebike 3D

  • So yeah you're probably wondering what Pokedex 3D is... well basically it's an app for the 3DS WHICH I FORGOT TO ANNOUNCE! /_-
    But I'll try and announce it anyways even though I'm a wee bit late!   

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