
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Zelda WiiU Confirmed

We all knew it was going to happen eventually and that it was inevitable. But the Big Cheese of Nintendo, Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that a new game in The Legend of Zelda series is in development for their new HD console, the WiiU!

“This is an HD system, our first HD system, and we want to create a real HD Zelda game for it,” said Miyamoto. “You will see a lot of these in-depth and deep experiences in terms of visual style. You will also see some play styles that are fun and interesting because of the play structure."

Unfortunately, Miyamoto didn't say if this new HD addition to the Zelda series would be a release game. But either way, this is the best news ever for Nintendo fans World Wide. I'm sure we're in for some big shocking moments when we first see the game in action, most likely at E3 next year. But for now, we can dream about how the game is going to turn out!

~Ricky Taylor

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